
For me it was this 1980 sequence from The Untold Legend of the Batman by the great Len Wein, not with Batman but with Bruce Wayne learning his "greatest lesson".

Except that is 3 quarters worth of declines (though granted the drop from last Christmas quarter to the 1st quarter was expected).

Those are paper-people... joss paper, meant to be burnt as an offering to the deceased. In the case of paper people, they were offered to the dead as their wives/concubines/slaves etc. The most common offering is fake money, though these days they can come in a variety of shapes such as the iPhones above, or houses,

It's Jezebel... their bark is worse than their bite, and you're never going to teach an old dog a new trick. You'd have an easier time trying to catch your own tail.

I remember trying something like this for a company logo, so that it would always show up even when images were blocked in email newsletters... I just used plain old HTML though... and did it all in Notepad... and in the end it still didn't turn out right because of the way different ways webmail sites and Outlook

What do you think of Monster cables and the Beats headphones?

What do you think of Monster cables and products (like Beats headphones)?

There can be quite a difference between a word's "definition" and its "meaning". If you were to go only by definition, then the doctors and patients trying to cure HIV is doing harm to the virus and would therefore be evil because the definition never defines to whom or what the harm is done to.

This article really makes me think... how much did it just cost me to view it? Electricity, my computer, the energy needed to click my mouse... Gizmodo isn't a free website at all!

That's an incredibly simplistic definition of the word. If I've hurt your feelings by saying that, I guess that would make me evil too.

I so want a This Ain't Kinect: Nat Geo TV xxx parody game. Please Please Please.

There is more to it than just what's in the chart above. OCZ SSDs aren't the most power efficient (eg:,3194-7.html, the Kingston SSDNow 100 V+ avgs 0.6W, Vertex 3 2.3W).

Someone actually just posted a Lesula - Simon Helberg comparison to my Facebook today.

Oh sorry, yes that's what I meant. I don't know dance-step-timing but I meant it as yeah, R-L-R-R, L-R-L-L, instead of just R-L-R-L.

No way he rocks it harder. And his footwork is wrong. It's 1-2-1-1, 2-1-2-2, not just 1-2-1-2. Deadpool = poseur.

For Canadians, Adventure Time S1 is cheaper. $13 on, $14 at Futureshop, $15 at Best Buy. FS/BB show a different cover though.

It still has a peeler at the end... the sharpener is for just the tip

This article needs more misguided moral outrage; you forgot to mention they also broke Facebook's Terms of Service!