Anyone have a DropBox invite I can have? send one to dropboxinvite.5.bb007@spamgourmet.com.
to add to my comment above, I would like to sync folders on my Mac and Windows machine.
Is Foldershare secure? I don't see anything on the site showing what kind of encryption it uses.
We have a white noise machine connected to all the intercom speakers in our department. One day we turned the machine off. Its amazing how quiet the place got. NOTE: The white noise on that webpage is not the same as that machine.
Um, why would you buy the same shoes (4) times if they keep wearing out on the same spot? In my world, you dont buy a product again if it fails. To top it off, he wrote several letters and finally got a free pair. Talk about product loyalty. On the other hand, something may be weird about that guys foot that…
I have a Netgear WGR614 v5. For some reason v5 isnt listed anywhere.
Locate32 rocks. Its super lightweight and not a system hog like other search tools. Ive tried AgentRansack, but it doesn't index files (at least the free version doesn't). Google Desktop, Copernic, X1, Windows Search 4 are all overkill for the average search. If you have good names for your files, searching inside…
I'm hooked on Diet Pepsi. I drink about 2-3 cans per day. I stay away from non-diet soft drinks, mainly because most have HFCS (high fructose corn syrup). I went to Canada a couple of months ago, New Brunswick to be exact. I had a couple of non-diet soft drinks there, and I dont think it had HFCS in it. Can…