Dont get me wrong, I like barebone software. VLC seems lightweight, which I like. Does anyone have any suggestions how what I can do to make it work better over the network? It seems to have a huge list of settings you can configure.
Dont get me wrong, I like barebone software. VLC seems lightweight, which I like. Does anyone have any suggestions how what I can do to make it work better over the network? It seems to have a huge list of settings you can configure.
Am I the only one that hates VLC? Ive tried it both on Windows and Mac, and it seems very buggy. Sometime I have to use it on my Mac for files that Quicktime/Perian doesnt play. One thing it seems consistent with is locking up on DVD menus. Since it doesnt have a "virtual" controller like other DVD software, it…
This may have been discussed before, but has anyone created something similar for Tiger? I would like some type of backup to start automatically when I hookup my external hard drive. If anyone has a suggestion, let me know.
I usually BCC on my emails when I am sending a message to more than one person. I figure if I do this and the person forwards my email to other people, nobody else will be listed on the forwarded email.
Does anyone know an app on both Windows and Mac that allows me to queue a group of files/folders so the next time I connect my external drive the files will be backed up. I would also like to sync certain folders all the time.
I post this in the Thunderbird article posted by Gina, but nobody has replied yet. It may also work the same with Outlook.
Ok, I need some help. I currently use Thunderbird for my Cox email account (POP). I started giving friends/family my new Gmail account a couple of months ago. I still get email at my Cox address, so I have Gmail grab these automatically. How can I configure Thunderbird with my current setup (the settings are for…
people tend to be resistance to change...
Did Leopard fix the sleep issue in Tiger? Whenever I connect to a network share on my Windows desktop and later close the lid or put my Macbook Pro to sleep, I then I come out of sleep my computer hangs sometimes and the "Disconnect" drives would popup after about 3-4 min. For some reason, Tiger isnt smart enough to…
I like Tversity, but it sucks that you cant fastward/rewind. According to Transcode 360, you can do this. Is there anyway to use this with plain ol WinXP Home? I dont have Media Center.
Will this rename files from exif data? I like the rename my documents to subject_YYYYMMDD_IMAGE#.jpg
Im been wanting to ge an Xbox 360, but I also want the ability to stream MP3, XVID, and DIVX to my living room TV. Can I do this with an Xbox 360? I read about the hack for the old Xbox last week on Lifehacker, but I really want a Xbox 360. I would also like to not hack it and void the warranty. Is this possible?
Blah blah blah blah. This is just like medical studies where one finds that something is good for you, while the other finds that its bad. Ive read PROFESSIONAL articles stating that signing your cards is better, others state its not. Like many have said here, you are required to sign your card.
the 4x8 OSB boards at Home Depot here cost around $9.50.
Slighty OT, anyone know where I can find free plans to make a cat tree? I googled "cat tree plans", and there are a bunch of sites that are selling them for $10 and up.