
The Apostle Paul - famed misogenist, anti-semite, writer of letters claiming to provide the intimate thoughts and guidance of a man/deity he’d never met, often in direct contradiction of other writings by people who actually did know said man/deity. Kanye’s new hero, if his recent twitter convos are any indication.

I have no doubt he’ll make all kinds of money on them, but what I don’t understand is why. The clothes are nothing but plain, unattractive underwear that looks cheap and poorly made, they’re just fugly. Why would anyone spend an entire paycheck on ugly underwear?

His clothes are all the various colors and shades of flesh other than pasty white and its lighter shades of pale (with the exception of the lift shoes for short people). And they all look like Spanx, poorly made Spanx.

Is that what he’s shooting for? Because it all just looks like Spanx for people of color and the kind of workout clothes you see in Walmart. It all looks cheap and tacky.

Totally. I hope Ben sees this. Any time you find yourself being contrasted/compared with Sandler, even if you find yourself on the good side of said contrast/comparison, it’s time to reconsider your life choices.

You’ve damned him with faint praise.

Does your dad listen to NPR, especially on the weekends? Because that’s where I first heard of this study a week or two ago, and it was described in glowing terms. There are some things on NPR on the weekends that leave me smh.

It’s guys like this for which shunning was invented. He should be shunned right off the planet.

True enough, but my memory goes back further to the Cardinals picking up their ball and taking it to Arizona, leaving a stadium-sized void that apparently had to be filled by the Rams.

I’m as intrigued by the brown thing the lower right corner is pointing at/touching. Is it a pie, is it some sort of leather encrusted pie? It’s all kind of frightening.

I have not seen your envelopes, but I have some spare buttons if you’re in need of a substitute.

And the next verse tells you to go into your closet and shut the door, go away to pray, in secret. Definitely want to avoid that one.

Thank you so much, and to others in these threads for understanding the difference between freakish curiosity and a desire to understand the science of what’s going on here and answering my/our questions.

Fascinating. Am I understanding the diagram correctly, that a vaginal opening forms in the womb? If so, is this considered a form of hermaphroditus, or must there be the structures that produce female hormones for it to be considered so?