Could Travolta be dyslexic? That is the only way I can see him pronouncing her name like that.
Could Travolta be dyslexic? That is the only way I can see him pronouncing her name like that.
I seriously feel like this was another case of the Oscars holding a pity party. They do this with PWD all the time. They write versions of us that are basically a series of stereotypes meant to be pitied or serve as inspiration porn (e.g. Forrest Gump, Rainmain, etc), and then reward whatever able-bodied person they…
You must have a very slim choice of movies you can watch if you only watch movies fully grounded in reality
thanks for the advice, Richard Nixon
Actually, can we just go through Scorsese's collection and remake them all with women?
One of the studies that had the most profound impact in my own life was reported by Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi in which he found that we are generally notoriously bad at predicting the activities that bring us joy or pleasure. The study was commenced in the time of pagers, and the volunteer study subjects were randomly…
Big butts are back!!! (Fine print: As long as everything else remains small...)
Its funny how women want bigger butts especially women that are not black now. And when a woman that is not black has a bigger bottom it seems to be attractive and gets a lot of attention for having a bigger bottom, but on a black woman it doesn't seems attractive to people or get attention.
Accurately describes my first partner's endowment.
Uh.... I just realized there was a kid there at the end.
Could we please stop it with the "disney princesses imagined as..." stuff.
Yeah, people seem hooked on the idea that either you've got a full-blown, get-thee-to-a-rehab-centre eating disorder or you have no eating disorder at all, which is really problematic. I don't really know how to fix that, maybe shift the focus from "having an eating disorder" to "you engage in disordered eating" would…
Heard this on the radio on the way to work the other day. They said this was a new diet (It's not - i knew about this back in the 90s), then they talked about how dumb any woman doing this is. These are the same DJs who routinely reduce any woman they talk to/about to her hotness level AND ring a bell whenever anyone…
This whole case is dripping with internalized sexism. So effing gross.
Some people think that their fucklist can substitute for personality.
Her size does tend to provoke self-reflection.
John Stewart and Stephen Colbert are the only people that keep me sane living in this country. If I ever get overwhelmed I just watch them and get a healthy dose of logic and feel like it's all gonna be ok again.