
It was more of a SJW social club, if that helps ;)

I’m not a church-goer, christian, pagan, or otherwise, but that’s awesome!

I actually met Mr. Bells at church.

I made questionable choices this week when I met a random stranger off the turnpike to buy chickens out of his trunk. Squeeeeee! These girls are Mille Fleur D’ullces. They are Belgian and friendly lap chickens, super affectionate and just darlings. We named then Waffles and Pancake.   I am slowly turning into a crazy

Classic. You will never look back and be embarrassed by something too trendy. 

I learned something interesting a while back. Most people actually won’t notice a slight mess unless you point it out to them. Saying something like “don’t mind the mess” or anything of the like makes people look harder and notice things they otherwise wouldn’t have.

Pearls are great, but can be tricky to wear. I think it depends on what you wear them with (I used to wear them to offset a punkish look). Do you have an outfit in mind? 

“dude Zukka she has a boyfriend, didn’t you know that?”

If things get too intense, just say you have to go to the store for bread and then check into a motel until everything blows over.

I’ve been told that the only bad thing about Edinburgh is leaving it.

I went to Edinburgh last year, no off the beaten path tips I’m afraid, but I loved the city. We had a great time, and everyone was so friendly, and it's a very walkable city. I may not be allowed to go back for saying this, but I didn’t like Irn-Bru, I’ve been advising people to avoid it, unless you really like the

The daughter of the president should have no role in selecting the Supreme Court government.

Perhaps the most maddening and hateable thing, really. Sure, she’s completely ineffective, unqualified, and useless. Everyone knows that. But when the shit really hits the fan, count on Ivanka to call a press outlet and leak that she’s really still totally cool and her Dad’s just being a dick, so she’s OK! You shoud

I expected Trump to be a bad president. Disorganized, clueless, blaming others and stealing credit. All the worst traits of a manager. I didn't expect the Republicans in Congress to just shrug and give in. At least they've made it clear, they're really in this for themselves. 

I love how she always puts the word out that she’s standing up to her father. We see you Ivanka! You’re a fake, dumb, completely worthless asshole.

But boy, it sure looks so expensive and pretty and fantastic sitting there on your counter doing nothing!

Ineffective person lacking talent, skill, intellect, and power holding down a made -up job that her dad gave her had a thought!  Film at eleven! 

Trump handler and senior adviser apparently. Trump just put her in a position of power without really announcing it, and then left a load of important issues like the opiate crisis to her husband. Nepotism? What nepotism?

Officially she is an adviser. Unofficially Daddy’s sun downing guide.

Now would be the time for Ivanka to work against being a feckless cunt