
I really don’t think Kendall or any model should be held accountable for this. They are basically contract hires, they were hired to do a job. They get paid crazy $$$ to promote stuff like that all the time.

She looked stunning in a red lace dress that couldn’t have fit better if she had been born wearing it. “No one’s even going to be paying attention to me in this video!” the President said to the crew. “Do we agree, guys, no one’s even going to know that I’m here!”

It’s an artifact of his very old ideas about women. Specifically, “good girls” don’t allow themselves to be sexually exploited. So if it happens, it’s either because the woman kicked and screamed and fought with every fiber of her being but it wasn’t enough to free her, or it’s because she’s not a “good girl”, and you

(The big New York alien-battle centerpiece from the previous year’s Avengers left plenty of devastation, too, but it at least had scenes of the heroes trying to get people to safety. Man Of Steeljust has Superman halfheartedly muttering that people should stay inside.)“

Wallet, every time. Everyone always says that the hardest part of getting knocked down is getting back up. But getting back up from getting knocked down by a punch is easy. It’s pretty much inevitable you’ll eventually get back up unless you end up in a wheelchair.  Then you’ve got a story, and you’re that much

True, but lets face it: they both experienced a “change of heart” that roughly coincided with public support hitting the 50% mark.

What is scarier to you: A) not knowing how Bolton is corrupt, and who owns him; or B) the possibility that he’s not bought - he legitimately, truly believes he is acting in the morally best interests of the United States?

I didn’t watch either but I might have clicked in for the rebuttal.

Trump cares about Constitutionality to the extent he cares about winning. That’s why he reworked the Muslim ban into a limited ban on people entering from some, but not all, Muslim nations. It was narrowly targeted just enough to survive Supreme Court review, while giving Trump cover to say he fulfilled his promise to

The real question for me is why has he not yet declared a national emergency? He knows he has painted himself into a corner, because the Democrats are holding fast and the public is blaming Trump and Congressional Republicans for the shutdown much more than Democrats. If he declares a national emergency even though

The whole movie seemed vacillate between trying to make Venom a true anti-hero, or just making him a slightly edgier normal hero. Venom’s sudden desire to not consume Earth seems to come out of nowhere. That whole begrudging shrug of “well buddy, I guess we gotta save the world,” at the end is pretty rote hero stuff.

This is straight out of the professional troll handbook.

I think Christie would be happy to put himself back in the line of fire, and would even do so for Trump, under the right circumstances.

I don’t know if it’s because of the grammar, or this Administration, but I can’t help but read this in a Russian accent.

In my personal experience, just about everyone who has ever said to me “well, my dad use to whip me and I turned out alright” has a much more complicated life story than just “I turned out alright.”

Now playing

Compare the arch explosion to video of real explosions of rock formations:

Honestly, this gives Trump too much credit. It suggests Trump’s response is at least proportional to the threat he perceives.

I think Carlson’s independence is a consequence of his turn towards more explicit white supremacy.

When countries grant asylum to some person, it’s generally considered bad form to basically send them right back to the fate you granted them asylum from simply because you got annoyed with them.

It may not be too bad though, because we said the same things about Trump’s other competent hires. The fear of Trump hiring John Kelly as Chief of Staff was that there would finally be a partisan sycophant in the role who knows how to get shit done. Look how well that turned out.