
They were a bit like Kang and Kodos.

it's bursting with adaquatulence.

No. They were actually acting, dude. I was commenting on that.

Three of my brothers are doctors. And my husband is a doctor too. I don't think it's that unusual for family members to follow each other into the same profession. We didn't do it because we were competitive (well, we ARE, but… not that way) or rivals but because we all wanted to be together.

About the line that didn't need to be said — well, that particular line *was* said during a scene with Norman Reedus. He not so good at words, and the other actors are given extra lines to fill the dead air.

I think Quentin Tarantino feels the same way! (Well, I guess not "thieves" so much as "basement ball-gagging rapey dudes," but you get the idea.)

Amen. And then the other main relationship is Randy and Bertie? Give me a break. Adorable, cute, height-weight appropriate woman with another big sloppy fat dude. Come on. We all know there's no way they'd reverse that (fat woman with a thinner guy) without people screaming. their. heads. off.

So did Paul Rust cast himself in this? He did, didn't he.

"icks with dicks" —- really laughed out loud at this phrase

Inexhaustible supply of… shampoo? You have seen Daryl, yes?

True. When Eugene cuts the mullet, we'll know he's turned. Till then, he's just being Eugene.

Always impressed with how much heavy lifting Lenny James and Melissa McBride can do. They kept it interesting. This episode didn't feel like the run-in-place filler that it probably was. I really liked it, and I can't wait for Rat-Face the Savior Prick to die a painful screaming death.

I've seen Seasons 24, 25, and 26, and I can say without hyperbole that this episode was a million times worse than all of them put together.

Project much?

Kinda feeling hit over the head with the Kidman-Meekus relationship already. They have a violent, sexual relationship. Kidman is still hot. I get it. Stop. Put your clothes on, take a break.

They have the bat, but we have the power.

So much for health care in the apocalypse.

Yet another moment for this show to shoehorn in more tall, skinny women, but of course many of the men are allowed to be fat. Looking at you, Jerry.

Decent episode, because we got to see most of the cast working together. Now I need to brace myself for six episodes of single-character garbage that change nothing.

I kept hoping that Amy Adams' character would find the "How to Cook Humans" book somewhere in the alien ship.