
Well. That main theme *was* pretty badass. And. I loved Escape From NY, one of the best, most haunting movies I've ever seen. (80's Kurt Russell kept me in my bunk more than once, admittedly.) I also finally got up the courage to watch The Thing (both versions) and wow. That's one of those movies that stays with

So it's Supernatural with a less attractive lead? Maybe Jeffrey Dean Morgan can show up as a father character on this one too.

"Did you wreck the car?"
"Did you raise the dead?"
"But the car's okay?"

I knew there was a reason their eyes are blue!

Euron to something.

Get more sleep.

Surprise Crotch! The screams in my living room were deafening.

Totally agree. I was embarrassed for everyone by the end.

To myself, years ago, I thought it would be funny if Hodor said Hodor because he was trying to hold a door… but I thought it was ridiculous and obvious,. Lo and behold, this episode.

Kewl. I googled it after I posted, and apparently others have had the same question. Personally I hope she is immune to fire, because those moments are so beautiful! But however it turns out, I'll just watch & enjoy.

So does Daenerys have magic fire-resistance powers or not? Just when I thought she didn't, this episode.

They were looking *back* at 1991… So one would assume this aired in early 92 or very late 91…?

They wanted political change, though. It was the year of Bush vs. Clinton, and let's guess what side Tabitha & Kurt were on. Everything had to suck.

Try to ketchup.

Ricky Nightshade, the rock & roll magician!!!

She had huge tracts of land.

I think we've all been there; look at what's been said to me, just here in this forum today after we've all just been "sensitized" and had our awareness raised.

The real way to change this is to have THE REAL COMMENTERS in this video. Put the fear of losing their anonymous status in their hearts. Once they know that EVERYONE will know what these douchebags have said— their parents, their friends, their boss, their kids—- not to mention local law enforcement (sexual predator

And I think, somewhere out there, the weirdos who wrote those tweets are laughing. The more people they can affect, the greater their satisfaction. They're still anonymous. They're watching us wring our hands and they don't really care.

Impossible to achieve goal? Is it really that difficult? When I first saw the video, that's *exactly* what I thought it was supposed to be. (in fact, I'd say it's deliberately misleading that way.) I thought we were going to see the guys who had actually written that stuff account for themselves.