MomsTinfoilHat shields her in the grays

Yeah, we don’t call them hoagies in Florida, though. They’re Publix subs.

I’m sorry. Mine took a framed photo my dead dad’s best friend and college roommate gave us for our wedding. A guy he’d never met.

This needs more stars.

Let this be comment number gazillion saying I have seen every episode, and this show is a treasure.


100 stars for the Max Headroom reference.

Khaled got burned by Richard Marx!

She recognizes more than a binary gender, and is attracted to more than the binary genders, which she explains clearly and well.

Glad you got diagnosed! There’s some new research on iron supplement consumption that may interest you. Apparently we absorb it much better with every other day dosing than daily or twice daily dosing. And, bonus, less side effects! Here’s the UpToDate podcast on it if you’re a super nerd like me.

I’m sure it was rough for her, but her risk would have been higher without contraception. She’s higher risk for the future now that she’s had one, too. They can be very dangerous, and we don’t expect to be pregnant when we have an IUD in.

They’re messy and really, really ineffective.

Every contraceptive method has a failure rate, even tubal ligation and vasectomy, unfortunately.

IUDs do not increase your risk of ectopic pregnancy, because they are so good at preventing pregnancy. You are much more likely to have an ectopic pregnancy if you are not on contraception.

Pregnancy is much scarier than IUD and it really is a safe contraceptive. 40% of female physicians choose IUDs for ourselves. We are not seeing this damage and laughing it off.

Damage from an IUD is very rare, and much less common than pregnancy. It is a recommended form of contraception for teenagers by the American Academy of Pediatrics. They really are remarkably safe.

While many individuals have issues after tubal ligation which can be labelled as “hormonal” (for example, irregular or painful periods), these are also common in perimenopause. Many women get a tubal ligation at the end of childbearing, just before this point in their life. Comparison studies have not shown an

Some doctors prefer essure because it can be performed as an outpatient procedure without anesthesia in between pap smears. A tubal ligation involves booking an operating room and putting the patient under anesthesia.

He’s still staring at it though. It’s not like he’s rejecting the cell phone culture. He’s just bad at it.

Did I miss the explanation of the approval process? I was a regular, popular enough commenter prior to the kinja conversion. I have been gray since. I really don’t understand how so many troll and burner accounts get in the regular comments, but someone like me languishes in the grays for literally years. I can’t be

We appreciate what you do.

I have been gray since the kinja conversion. Any chance that regular commenters without antagonist patterns or bigoted comments can get pulled out of the grays? Or, at least, can I get an explanation why so many trolls get regular accounts, but my account has been gray for years?
