Mo. Morganstern

I didn't either, but I was totally unspoiled (this is the only show that I take care not to know what's coming up).

I feel like Sarah's cloneverse has been taking up so much of Fee's life for the last five seasons (reputedly about a year of real time, but still…), with him constantly dropping everything HE wants to do to rescue her or one of her sestras and to help rescue Kira, or go on missions for Mrs. S that it's totally valid

Didn't you stop commenting when you quit watching?

I disagree. The direct point was to prove that, no matter what she says when she lies to one of her "boys," Virginia Coady is just as uncaring and unscrupulous as Susan Duncan accused her of being.

I think that the lack of men doing his bidding is precisely the point.

I've just gotta disagree with you on how much crazy science they've invented for the show. Most of the stuff they've shown (like the Spiney Mice, just as an example) are actual science.

Pregnancies in girls as young as 7 have been documented, which is pretty horrific in the sense of a man having sex with a seven year old who just happened to go through puberty that early, but I agree that it's probably possible for them to harvest eggs from Kira.

I always assumed that it was an editorial decision to deflect from the idea that Helena's fertilized ova might be a "cure" for the Leda cancers in favor of a better cure, which re-united the original genomes from Kendell, via Sarah and Ira's contributions.

Agreed, except that Ira seemed to have been on board (or at least "a contributing member," lol) as long ago as it took him to provide "a sample" for Cosima's little experiment.

Then why not an I.V. drip?

None of the other women were dressed in anything close to being 19th century attire (although both Susan and Rachel showed much more of the décolletage that would have been appropriate as being properly "dressed for dinner" than Delphine was (see my earlier post).

They seem to think quite deeply about make-up/costuming for other characters (i.e., we know, because Kristian Bruun has talked about there being two separate rounds of wardrobe fittings for the briefs he wore during the scene when Donny and Alison were dancing around on the bed, throwing up money and glitter, lol).

Agreed in totum.

I figured out how the Neos found Alison (and Helena and Donnie's camp).