I mean: are these batshit motherfuckers are trying to get her killed?
I mean: are these batshit motherfuckers are trying to get her killed?
“Skinny shaming” is like saying whites are oppressed. That shit doesn’t exist dude. Thin privilege is very real.
No, you should be out there, taking a greater share of social approval, a bigger paycheck, and seeing yourselves reflected in the vast majority of the media, and you should consider not whining when people occasionally don’t use the word choice you prefer. Jesus.
Actually, the commenter CJDunham brought up skinny body types when she was low-key humble-bragging about having a “decent body type.”
What’s hilarious is fat women are literally shamed, sometimes into being afraid to go out in public, and she’s basically co-opting their actual problems.
Oh, that’s nice. “Visibly overweight?” Simply adorable. She looks like an average-sized American woman to me. Look at the actual people around you and less at what you’re fed through the media and you’ll see.
Fat shaming and skinny “shaming” are not on the same planet. Not even in the same galaxy.
Lawlz. We’re talking about average to plus-size body types and people are bringing up skinny/thin body types. This isn’t the time for skinny/thin people to pop up and say “What about me?”
Who said this? Skinny/thin is the standard everywhere.
I get scared every time I see the gymnasts from China. I’m convinced they are all under age.
Why must skinny people interject themselves everywhere? You’re already all over tv, movies, and print media. Aren’t you satisfied?
An orange Hitler is egging his supporters to assassinate the first female presidential candidate of a major party but yes, your energy is much better spent being outraged by Gabby Douglas’ lack of arm movement.
From what I read, courtesy of a military lady I follow on twitter, the hand on the heart is just a thing schools teach kids, it’s not a requirement. As long as you stand during the anthem, that’s all that’s necessary.
If you have stock options, and you think you’re company is going public, you might feel differently. Thinking to yourself that this may be worth 10's or 100's of millions at the end is a heckuva a motivator.
I am one. About half a pack of cigarettes a year - two chainsmoking sessions and a couple of one-offs. Nicotine appears to have no power over me, I mostly smoke them because I enjoy sitting outside blowing smoke in early autumn or early spring while wrapped in a blanket.
And most importantly, you get to be self righteous in comment threads about engagement rings. And who can put a price on that?
Because that’s absolutely comparable to this situation
Weirdly, that "KFC" one was more upsetting than nearly everything else, for me.
I’d say you can cut the cognitive dissonance with a knife in Cleveland right now.