Mommy Dearest

Let me preface this with saying, I would have liked to see Frankin go through the ethics process if for no other reason to see if we as a society can come up with gradations of punishment for gradations of transgressions.

Seriously. Five whole paragraphs went to Goop and two lines to Beyoncé. Don’t know if favoritism or they are just scared of the hive. But celebrity women using their insecurities to make bank off other women’s insecurities should get equal criticism. 

So THIS justice department wants to launch an investigation? Why? To find them and make them cabinet members or advisors to the “president”?

The victim blaming at work in the greys is...really something to behold. I don’t care if this girl was the worst behaved, most troubled, terribly raised person on the planet. ADULT HUMAN BEINGS SHOULD NOT RAPE HER. The only person to blame for rape is the rapist. How hard is this? I don’t understand why this has to be

Sartre was a travel writer about cruise ships and didn’t know it. 

Like, we should criticize allies when they cross the line. And in this case, I do think it’s not her place to be making a comment like that. Like, she’s not wrong; they are “blackground.” But, you know, let us make that observation.

Racists xenophobe says what?  What is your race?  Nobody gives a shit.

They were homophobic.  All I need.

You know what, I’m black and I find Bette’s blackground to be accurate. Not offended one bit. Because our president is a racist POS. 

LOL @ Goop talking about being put in a box

Um, no, she’s not. Gwyneth Paltrow is not human. She, and her evil extended spawn of a “family” are serious grifters. And this article dates back to 2016.

Not to mention, this is a diet specifically designed to get her performance-ready within a very tight time period. You can suffer through all the coconut bacon you want (because literally no one is enjoying whatever that is), but if you’re not doing several hours of dance rehearsal and PT sessions daily, you’re not

Okay, but stepping on a scale isn’t every woman’s nightmare. The possibility of seeing a certain number on a scale isn’t every woman’s nightmare.

Gwyneth Paltrow’s unrealistic beauty goals are rightfully pulled apart but not Beyoncé’s? Mmkay. 

I misread the last bit about Orlando Bloom as, “Bloom got a bonobo, but he is just fine!" and was saddened when I realized my error.

The only ones “outraged” are the Right and their various pet coons.

Oh, Chad. Freshman year of college is going to be hard for you, son.

You mean Mayopolitans like Ilhan Omar?

Ilhan Omar used the phrase recently. It was kind of jarring, but I thought maybe it had come back around, like chokers and shortalls?

The joke was corny, and probably would have sounded better coming from a Black person. But otherwise, I really don’t see a big deal with it.