Except she decided not to pursue the book? From what I gather, Random House wasn’t shelving the project, she’s the one who decided not to keep writing it.
Except she decided not to pursue the book? From what I gather, Random House wasn’t shelving the project, she’s the one who decided not to keep writing it.
This. Had Random House let both of them go, and only given Thrush back his advance, that would be one thing but she’s the one who decided not to pursue the book without him so totally different scenario. It’s the difference between getting fired from your job and quitting, essentially.
Kate, you got my vote because I like almost every drink on your list (indifferent to daiquiris, which I never order because they’re usually overly sweet). John had more of my favourites (Pimm’s cup, gin martini, classic margarita) but I don’t understand how anyone who nominates those three drinks can then go and fuck…
Yeah, the fact that no one mentioned the negroni means I can’t fully 100% respect any of the authors.
Also, I have three brothers, one is a total metro and probably spends more time grooming than I do but the other two? I saw what their hygiene levels went down to between when they left home (where my mother was around to make sure they at least did the bare minimum in terms of personal hygiene) and when they got…
I mean, you can go overboard with the botox and end up with a frozen face but it will subside after a while. I think what I find most jarring is too-tight face lifts but also filler face, when people go overboard with the fillers and cheekbones and lip plumping and end up with a giant face as a result of plumping up…
I think it’s also because it’s so unnecessary. Women face a lot of pressure to keep up their looks, especially the older they get, so it stands to reason that some women would take it way too far and turn into Jocelyn Wildensteins or Real Housewives. Men are for the most part spared that pressure, especially if they…
Yeah, this. Warm berry purée will taste gross but frozen it makes an amazing popcicle. It’s all about the temperature at which these various things are meant to be eaten. Any soup you can serve chilled will make a decent popcicle, same with the michelada although I would go with home made, store bought michelada mixes…
This is probably sexist but as bad as awful plastic surgery looks on women, it looks even worse on men. Did he have two golf balls injected into his cheekbones? Did his dentist steal those veneers from the set of a Jim Carrey movie? And you’d think if he was already going to the trouble of having so much work done, he…
The truth is probably far less complex. Either the guards really were that negligent/overworked/sleeping, or Epstein paid them off (they should be looking into the guard’s finances), or they were allowed to be this negligent and Epstein was removed from suicide watch so that he would go ahead and off himself and save…
I get that Fredo is nowhere near as bad as the n-word. But what’s worse, Cuomo comparing Fredo to the n-word, or that someone called Cuomo what is, essentially, an ethnic slur even if it’s not as bad as the n-word? I feel like everyone is exploiting this incident to push their own agenda, whether it’s progressives…
Yeah, I’m pretty sure the Guardian journalist asked her about it and that’s why she mentioned it.
Well then feel free to stand by your ignorant nonsense and maybe talk to some of the people involved.
“but don’t go off like you are woke because you attend a place owned by a minority or that somehow I am not because I think it is overhyped nonsense.”
Imagination is a funny thing. Sometimes you’ll get your best ideas from something completely unrelated to what the idea you get is about. I don’t find this story negative in any way. But then I have a pretty morbid sense of humour anyway and I love weird little stories like this. If anything this would make me like…
Yeah the only reason they’re defending her now is because they want everyone to forget that, minus the fellatio references, they’ve been saying basically the same things about her as kid rock. And that’s not a good look for woke cool girls so now they’re suddenly team swift...
Ay Dios mío... odio a la derecha pero la izquierda perdió el sentido del humor. Ciao nena, que tengas un lindo día 😘
Jesus fucking Christ on a gluten free cracker, it was an off the cuff remark/joke and you are reading waaaaaay too much into it. Chill.
LOL dramatic much? You got that from one off the cuff remark I made in response to a comment? And why would I be a fascist since I included the idiots making death threats in response to Arquette’s dumb tweet on my list of cringeworthy idiots? I despise the far right and Fascism and they’re the biggest threat to…
Are you German or something?