
NO. I meant I assumed scientists were way more BUSY than me.

Wow. She has nice nails for a biologist. Somehow I would expect someone who can do stuff with DNA to have more important things to do than a manicure. I don't have more important things to do, but my nails look terrible.

You are a guy who is nice. Lots of those guys exist. If you believe women only go for "alpha males" and are sluts who like to tease guys and most women are gold diggers, then you are a "nice guy" and you think all your problems are caused by women. "Nice guys" doth protest too much. If that doesn't describe you, you

I think since it is based often on personal reporting, willingness to admit your unaffiliation varies. I bet it lines up with self-reporting on sexuality. In fact, in the US, it is also 1 in 6, but among 18-29 yo it is 1 in 4. More young people also admit to being gay. I imagine in the southern US, the stigma is

I try not to think about the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man. Way too dangerous.


To me this looks like trying to show that she was desperately trying to do the right thing. She was homeschooling him because nothing else was working. She was at the end of her rope.

Also, I didn't advocate for a total ban *lax* gun laws. They don't work because they are *lax.*. I said to address the immediate risk.

If you believe drunk driving laws have not reduced accidents (I believe they have), why aren't you advocating for the repeal of those laws?

We ban alcohol for minors and for people who are driving, because those are the most immediate risks of alcohol. Let's ban the most immediate risks with guns: semi-assault weapons that can kill 26 people in 5 minutes.

The republicans are working on repealing worker-protection laws and blocking equal pay laws. That way employees will only have enough money for food, preferably just lentils. Solves that problem!

Moms: the cause of and solution to all life's problems.

Gotta add Jamal Igle! Total cutie.

No, it isn't going to put an idea in anyone's head, but there is an implicit endorsement of suicide in this assignment. The teacher didn't intend that, but to a 12 year old who has already considered it, this sounds like the teacher is saying it is perfectly reasonable. That is what could go wrong.

That's not accurate. A happy kid who has never considered suicide is highly unlikely to commit suicide just because someone else does. It's the kids who are already considering it that are tipped over into trying it. I worked for a decade on a suicide hotline.

Well, Jim Spady is the Vice President of a very popular Seattle burger place called Dick's Drive-In, so it makes sense that there is a focus on the groin area. (true fact, not made up)

Mission accomplished! :)

That is what I was acknowledging when I said it was unfair and that I have thought about my own bias. I wasn't pretending otherwise like many other commenters have.

Does he write YA sci-fi? I have to admit, I have passed over YA sci-fi books written by men. I read a lot of that genre (they're good!) and I usually assume male authors in YA sci-fi will skip over the in-depth character development in favor of more explosions. I have actually thought about this bias as I looked at a

Mission: Dystopia