Because he said so. He is the all powerful Marc Jacobs and they should like being abused. The powerful always get to abuse the people without power. I am only translating his tweet into actual English.
Because he said so. He is the all powerful Marc Jacobs and they should like being abused. The powerful always get to abuse the people without power. I am only translating his tweet into actual English.
I'm guessing that 17 yo will not be working for Marc Jacobs anymore.
What if the woman had gotten on the plane with the empty bottles, then broke into the pilot's compartment during the flight? She could have MILKED the pilot! With one of those double pumpers, she could have gotten the co-pilot AT THE SAME TIME!
A brownie with spinach is still a brownie. You will get a tummy ache from eating too many just like any other brownie. I don't make them, myself, but they aren't meant to actually replace other food. Just enhance the brownie they were going to eat anyway.
Do what you want. Nothing will work. And anyone who acts like they know what will work with your kid, well, they can shove it. I HAVE tried that one thing you said always works. It didn't work. So get off your high and mighty soap box and stop critiquing my parenting. I don't give a flying fig what you remember…
Does a dependence on cosmetics alter a woman's sense of reality, or is a woman's sense of reality shaped by the way people treat her when she is wearing make up or not wearing make up? If she is treated differently depending on her make up, I'm thinking it isn't a "dependence" that is shaping her reality, but actual…
Our actual state motto is "Alki," which is a Chinook word that means "hope for the future." Which kind of fits with "just copy what we do, okay?" I think.
Washington State Awesomeness
Bremerton is a military town, so it actually skews younger.
Just for the record, Bremerton is a poor area. Armin Jahr Elementary is 45% white and 75% of the kids get free lunch because they are poor. I'm not getting into any kind of argument over anything, but I just wanted to put that out there for the sake of accuracy.
I want to stand in front of that marketing, personally. Or where ever the best view is.
Of course!
I LOVE HOMEFRONT!! I am currently binging (literally- I am not doing other stuff I need to do) on Friday Night Lights. I was in high school for Homefront and fell in love with him so hard. And Early Edition. I watched him on that, too. Oh man, I love Kyle Chandler so much.
That is the best quote I have ever heard from a lawyer!
He is totally on my laminated list. Also Kyle Chandler. Which gives away what generation I am in. But I love them both.
In my work pre-kid, I actually did a lot of work with PTAs, and let me tell you, it doesn't take a man to make that stuff cut-throat. They are serious about their budgets and proxy votes and by-laws and following the rules like a Fortune 500 company board meeting.
This is a cost that saves them money, just like preventative care that keeps people from getting diabetes. Pregnancy is WAY more expensive than birth control. A lifetime of the pill is less for an insurance company than a single pregnancy and all the huge risks and costs related to that. They will pay one way or…
Including a link to a website in official GS emails is basically implying endorsement of the link. It is also inappropriate self-promotion (which isn't a no-no, but not really very nice). That's not acceptable, and I side with the Girl Scouts on this one.
I have been waiting for it, too! After the stupid chipped cup in the last episode, I was just so ready to see what showed up here!