
This is really about more than Komen. There have been these little attacks on things women's health care happening in Congress and in legislatures all across the country. Those things are frustrating and difficult to fight, because many people feel disconnected from those things and powerless to make an immediate

There's a new YA novel called The Unidentified by Rae Mariz, about high schools of the future run totally by marketers. The coolest kids get "branded," or endorsed, by a company, and they get special perks and better reputations. It was an intriguing concept.

I hear you, completely. C-sections are one of those things that people get really preachy and judgemental about. I actually discussed c-sections with my doctor and he told me that the insurance company pushes him to do them in many cases because of perceived risks of vaginal labor. There are also an increasing

Whoa! You are reading too much between my lines! I didn't say anything about evil doctors. I also said the woman with the 12 lber should not have done what she did. I was pointing out that statistically, csections are increasing and some of the reasons include doctors trying to control for risks (which is not an

Your comment is illustrating what I was saying. Doctors don't tell the mothers all their options, and they usually don't push a vaginal in cases where there is anything they consider questionable. Hospitals want to control timing and all that, so they push c-sections. Insurance won't cover VBACs. We are not saying

First reaction behavior right after something happens is not always reliable. In college, I had something happen that was not rape (I'm not sure what it was- some form of lesser sexual assault maybe?), and right after it happened I ran to my best friend's dorm room and told her, but I was kind of nervous and giggly.

Actually, doctors usually push for a c-section at the slightest indication of anything out of the ordinary, including size. They like to be able to control things with surgery. That is part of why the c-section rate is so high now in the US. The woman who had her 12 lber vaginally insisted on it. We shared a


The same day I had a c-section for my 10lb baby (now totally average weight, as am I), another woman on the floor had a 12 lb baby vaginally! It broke her pelvis! Get a c-section! Dear god! But conclusion- big babies get taken out via c-section usually, so that could contribute to the correlation, too.

If I have to go, I have these dreams about bathrooms, but the bathrooms are always disgusting, preventing me from going. I worry that if I dream of a clean bathroom, I might wet the bed.

I LOVED seeing Grandma Grantham laying down the law with that priest about letting William and Daisy get married. And when she was crying at the wedding. She was all iron and lace. Awesome.

Perhaps Matthew and Mary could adopt a child who could then inherit.

I aspire to one day being made into an animated gif that is used in comment sections across the internet.

I don't let my daughter play at any house I don't know the parents fairly well, mothers and fathers alike. I also don't let her play at houses where I am not familiar with the older siblings. Divorced dads don't worry me generally, unless I don't know them.

I'm actually kind of relieved that the reason he did not choose the Rhodes scholarship was that they didn't choose him, rather than some pathetic misguided dedication to a single football game.

Don't worry, doctor. It was just a snarky comment. I'm aware that oral sex isn't a guarantee of hpv.

So does this mean that 10% of men are willing to provide oral sex?

I laughed.

Ah, but see, nowhere in any of these bills does it say that kids should be able to make any decisions. The republicans aren't contradicting themselves at all. They are saying that PARENTS should make ALL decisions for children, regardless of what the child wants. Because children are property.

When Neil DeGrasse Tyson complained about the incorrect night sky in Titanic, James Cameron's people asked him to help correct it. James Cameron does seem to want it right. Perhaps Cameron can direct your film, too!