
They track everything, including downloads. The #AnniesMove episode was actually a way to get people to tweet about it so they could prove the fan love. Chuck has been another show that has struggled, and fans always made sure to buy episodes and stuff to prove the love.

Ah. Good to know. Then you are correct.. Too bad they never note when they make those updates.

She says "parts of Social Security were established by the Great Society" not ALL of it. So her assertions are not actually incorrect. LBJ did make many additions to Social Security as part of his War on Poverty.

You think like me. I assume they are racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-poor, uncaring assholes, so I'm not surprised when they support something evil. BUT they are also politicians, so they should know not to say stuff that will work against them politically, regardless of whether they believe it. I find it

:) promote

To be fair, most Americans aren't exactly clamoring for Marmite, and when I tasted it I thought it was wretched. So everything is equal.

I love Thursday, too. Those are great books.

Literary insults are fun, but often stinging!

I was aware of the freshman fifteen before 1989. So yes, Seventeen may suck, but they are not as powerful as this.

I think you are completely right about the insidiousness of not being allowed to "care" about the rules while also being required to follow the rules. Effortless perfection, I believe, is the term for that. You have to be perfect, but you can't show that it matters or requires any work.

Geek guys too often fall into the trap of believing they are unfairly being "denied" the chance to date a model-type girl. And while it is true that model-types don't tend to date geek guys, it is also true that the star of the football team is not likely to date a geek girl. At least, they never were interested in

It is not uncommon for your own doctor not to be available when you go into labor. That is why they like to schedule inductions (medically induced contractions) and c-sections when it is possible. My doctor was fortunately there, because I never met the alternate.

This is the right decision. In a different case, if the victim doesn't commit suicide after the same crime, the defense would say it obviously wasn't that bad since the victim didn't kill themselves. A crime is a crime no matter how the victim responds.

My mom' birthday is valentines day and it sucked for me. I could never have some romantic date with a boy because it was her birthday dinner night. My husband met my mom for the first time on Valentines Day. Sucky.

There is nothing wrong with choosing to have all sorts of different medical procedures. But if you have one when you don't want to, then it stops being a choice. And if you have one when you are desperately trying to do the opposite, then it becomes traumatic.

Mine was, too. It just occurred to me that if insurance companies label it as an abortion, and if insurance companies are not allowed to cover abortion or are required to make it an extra rider that no one would buy, then after the trauma of a miscarriage women would have to then fight to have it covered! Oh my god!

"Women who seek to conceive artificially should be aware when a donor is having "sex" with them."

I just used up some calories googling what the heck mince is! Victory for healthiness!


I totally feel the JGL love, but I absolutely ADORE Jimmy Fallon. Together they are just awesome. Me, JGL, and Jimmy Fallon would be an amazing threesome. Trust me, it would be best with me in the starring role, not you or whoever is going to try to claim the spot away from me.