Mic Drop

I think the camera was supposed to be tight on Harrelson and then Kenan so that they could start the wardrobe change on Aidy. The little panicked look to the camera when she realized it was still a wide shot was perfection.

Just a guess, but I don’t think they got the camera shot timing right.  They were wide on the full panel when they should’ve had a close-up on Woody and Kenan.

It also would stop real quick if LE agencies informed callers to think carefully if they want to continue their complaint because calls to Emergency Responders that turn out to be unfounded would be billed to them.

That’s an odd way to spell “to apologize to them and offer compensation for our organization’s decision to humiliate them under a shameful pretext.”

American Airlines said it reached out to Alkhawaldeh and Abdallah to “better understand their experience.”

It’s a shame that this type of asinine behavior will finally stop only because other, sane customers just trying to get to their destination on time will shout these racist idiots into the ground if they keep fucking up their schedule over bullshit.

“Sept. 14 flight which departed from Birmingham, Ala” was all the information needed. You know dem southerners were just itchin’ to nail some terries around 9/11

Not to mention, Chun Li cosplay is a staple of Con shows all over the world.

Plus, with that reasoning, Twitch should simply ban roughly 80% of the video games out there from being streamed at all.

There’s probably a ton of carry-over of people between those two boards.

Dr. Disrespect broke a law, live on camera. And all he got was a month. He got off light considering the offense.

I’m making the wanking motion to this so hard I gave myself tennis elbow. She was targeted for doing shit because she’s a woman, and ironic-but-not-really mustache guy should have been deplatformed.

They’re miserable yes, but all they’re allegedly doing is mass reporting, which doesn’t automatically ban the streamer, it’s Twitch that decides whether to ban them or not, so while the incels are vile, the real problem here is once again Twitch with its bipolar banning decisions and vague ToS.

The sickest part is they’re reporting her because SHE’S NOT trying to be sexy or suggestive. Because, she’s not pandering to them, they are trying to punish her. Absolutely disgusting!

““recommend attire appropriate for public settings”

Livestreamfail moderators support and defend bigotry in multiple forms on their subreddit and ban anyone who calls it out. They are trash on the same level as /r/the_donald.

Kind of shocked by this.

Someone needs to explain to Nick Underhill what the fuck “undertones” are. Usually they are slightly subtler. 

That’s the implication. That him having dreadlocks had anything whatsoever to do with him being in a gang.

The phrase “let me cut off his dreadlocks.” and then the part about it being symbolic makes it seem like this was talked about and encouraged by the charity. That dreadlocks are a symbol of “gangbanging” or some other bullshit. Its just an ignorant (willfully) white woman thinking she knows what’s best. Not to mention