
I’m actually so so sad for women (and pissed at their complicity) that wrote off the pussy Tape as “typical guy stuff.” What the fuck kind of men do you have in your life where that is normal? I’ve known a lot of men, and that is definitely not normal

The toddler stage is tough, but some parts of it are easier than the infant stage (or at least they were for us). In the infant stage we spent a lot of time playing the “desperately trying to guess why baby is screaming his head off” game, which to be honest is not my favorite game. As toddlers, especially as speech

Im siding with the verbose cheater because social media pity-fishing is so obnoxious.

Oh I don’t have kids or anything. I have no advice I’m sorry! I just get to be the fun Aunt then dump the kids back with their parents 😉

The prompt response from Gucci’s lawyer probably implies that they face costly consequences (eviction? fines?) if they express anti -Trump rhetoric or commentary. Moving a store that size in that neighborhood would cost millions, so they’re undoubtedly trying to end the story.

There are many reasons to punch people, most of which fall well short of, at least on a moral scale, “being a Nazi”. The first question is whether it’s OK for law enforcement to allow assault and battery to occur without repercussions. The second question is whether it’s smart, from a practical perspective, to deck

Meanwhile, no arrests for the guys that beat up Deandre Harris with sticks and poles. And Harris’ name, and his assault are rarely mentioned in articles covering Charlottesville.

Which is the correct take I absolutely refuse to accept other’s can’t comprehend.

I think you’re (intentionally) misunderstanding what this article is actually saying.

You realize that being Latina doesn’t excuse your anti blackness, right?

Please go away. I’m actually completely ok with you staying away from the Root. We could do without white nonsense. If you honestly can’t understand why whining about how much the commentariat at a black culture and news site is mean to you as a white person, when a group of white supremacists have literally assaulted

Yes. At times like these, it’s important to see what black people go through and then tell a mostly white audience that black people’s tone is too harsh.

White supremacists are holding fucking Nazi rallies and beating black men in the open and you’re whining about your fucking race education?

I find it harder to trust the women who broadcast they don’t have female friends because “women are drama” than the ones who just don’t have them for a variety of reasons. Like maybe they find it hard to connect with people or they prefer to not have a huge social group; there are so many reasons why women, or people

I assume iLeft it on top the car while putting the baby in and drove off...

Have you frisked your baby? I’d frisk the baby. Babies are sketchy.

“Open Casket” isn’t controversial. It’s trashy exploitive opportunism. Dana Shutz “art” was created to exploit black historic tragedy for quick profit. Shutz is getting money she gets from the picture itself and all the free advertising she’s generated. Shutz can go fuck herself.

Schutz has discussed the work quite a bit, including her intentions. It’s possible to draw these conclusions from her own words.

She wanted people to look.

Gandhi was racist, pedo and wife beater. I don’t give a fuck what Gandhi thinks. I’m not one of those turn the other cheek hoes unlike you.