
I feel a type of way about the Voters Rights issue being framed largely as a feminist one and not a racial one seeing as how non-minority women have been able to vote without opposition since 1919. Like yes, Voters Rights affects people who are women, but not because they are women.

This also irks because although I know we’re not supposed to compare celebrities to us normals, WHO TF IS GIVING UP 10% OF THEIR SALARY?

lol I was in college in NW in 2009 and I hated it because the part of DC I’m from had so many more food options. Fast forward like 7 years, and I come back from NYC like “when tf did Petworth get a Walmart?! This shit is fancy!”

I will say as a DC native (like I’ve been here 25+ years), gentrification ruined our corner stores. We used to have so many good halal corner stores around all of the city (esp in like SE and NE where now its nothing but food deserts) but everything got shut down in the early 2000s when the pre- “redevelopment”

Idk, maybe it’s an east coast thing but I always thought it was pretty clear that a bodega is a specific type of corner store, like even when I was in NY, I never called the corner stores or delis in downtown Manhattan bodegas, because that just seems weird!

Please God let this plan take cost of living into account. I’m on the higher end of middle class nationally, and if I get married next year we won’t ever qualify for any type of Child Tax Credit, childcare subsidies etc because of the national income limits. That said, we are definitely on the lower end of middle

I mean, I work from home 3 days a week, with a baby. It’s usually not that bad, BUT I always go in to the office on days when I have time-sensitive work due because kids are unpredictable and tend to act up at the worst possible times. I can’t imagine most people aren’t doing the same?

“My point was that assuming the child was meant to be American was an assumption, since nothing in the book pointed that way necessarily and there is nothing in the article to make that assumption.”

I wish people would realize how much of this stuff is caused by personal surroundings. I have (had) never heard so much stuff about women being judged for how they have children until I started reading sites like Jezebel. I believe it happens, but having been around plenty of women who have had C-sections, I’ve never

The oversensitivity of “moms” nowadays drove me crazy when I was pregnant. I had the laziest natural birth ever (got an epidural, fell asleep for ten hours, woke up, sneezed too hard and boom! baby started crowning). I literally do not care how other people feel about that experience because it worked for me.

Girl who shit in your coffee? Somebody made a plausible comment, YOUR happy ass decided to be pedantic about something that could have actually applied to Black American or Black British children (seeing as how racism works very similarly in both countries) and now you typing full response essays to everyone who

I will be so happy when white people go back to pretending like they don’t understand “urban culture” versus pretending like they’re afraid of it.

LMFAO because Black British people are DEFINITELY not similiar victims of capitalism and institutionalized racism, right?

Yea, I’m probably not going to be getting this but I will say iLost my iPhone not too long ago and I decided to try the Galaxy S8 to which my only review has been “fuck Android entirely.”

This is a hot mess but I’m going bih!!!

Don’t feel bad, there’s hope! 20 year old me was studying journalism, as a first in the family college student attending a private institution in one of the top 3 most expensive cities in the country, two years after my parents moved to the suburbs of said city, not realizing the entire mortgage industry was going to

I see “complex background” as “because she’s Black(ish)” but is being a divorce(e?)’ not cool for the Monarchy? It’s not like they’re Catholics. Or like one of them didn’t get divorced anyway.

All of this ten years ago in 2007 stuff is starting to make me feel old. I’m not, but as someone who was a senior in HS during this time, it’s seems like the world has changed completely from my childhood to what the majority of my adult life has been like. I remember this being one of the first videos I went on

So, not that it matters because Anthony Weiner is at best an annoying creep and at worst a legit sexual predator but I have questions:

I used to work at this company (I think, they like red right?)