Molly's Hatchet

I’m sure, if this guy was short, fat and balding with a lazy eye, we’d still be talking about him turning his life around. Oh wait...

Nothing says wants-to-turn-his-life-around quite like a long rap sheet and a gang neck tattoo.

I can see Audrey Hepburn (kind of), but Sophia Loren? Nope

The only ones that claimed I assaulted them were the 6'5" - 200+ lb. cops...

I’m sure, no small person has ever assaulted a bigger person in the history of the world. Valid defense. /s

Bird landing strip or trampoline for squirrels?

“The estranged wife of Johnny Depp “only asked for it because she thought it was standard operating procedure in a divorce case,”

When was Afghanistan better for women? Before the war, under the Taliban, when women couldn’t even leave the house without being accompanied by a man, or girls weren’t allowed to go to school at all?

Do you guys still have any editors left? This was both so misleading and confusing!

JEZEBEL (Joanna Rothkopf, screaming): DAD! DAD!!!!

other than prostitutes being imprisoned for prostitution

Show me, where something like this happens in western societies.

That’s not it. Have as many nuanced three dimensional female characters as possible, it’s the cliched male characters that bugged me. At some point, Moss’ character interviews four (?) women who work for the local drug kingpin and while the male drug dealers are depicted as evil louts, the women are portrayed as hard

Is this now the moment where the Schumer ship hits the iceberg and is about to sink? This should have happened quite some time ago, when she painted all Mexican men as rapists in her act, made jokes about Mexican labor that practically amounted to ‘wetbacks’ and called latino women ‘angry’.

I bet those dude beetles are happy with this arrangement. They get to meet their fellow dude beetles, talk shit, drink beer and watch beetle football on beetle tv.

“Dr. Death may now see you.”

As much as I liked the first season, let’s see if Campion manages to write at least one positive, likable male character into the show. The assortment of pedophiles, murderers, drunks, abusers, drug dealers with not one positive male character was almost comical when juxtaposed to the female characters, all of them

You can talk as much about the past and give history lectures as you want, I’m more interested in the present and so are probably most people affected by religious intolerance in these countries.