
the first one was actually quite good for its genre and is a guilty pleasure of mine. But the RE series has continued to get worse - although, 3 was better than 2 - with each iteration. The fourth installment (":Afterlife" I think) made absolutely no sense and only served to feature Milla in a series of increasingly

i know it's over... and that's all i care to know.


Now playing

"Give him the stick. DON'T GIVE HIM THE STICK! Ooooooooooohhhh."

Word. I liked Cap'n way more than the Thor.

TORCHWOOD: Miracle Day has to rank up there with the worst television ever - particularly from a ok-to-descent, fun, nerdy/sci-fi show. Lots has been said about it here on the io9 boards over the summer. Can't fathom why it didn't make the worst of list.

I shave with a neck trimmer, always have. Shavers that make my face "smooth" leave with me with blocked pores and razor bumps within 2-3 days post shave, not to mention the shiny, oily sheen my face has for days afterward. That's why I dry shave with a neck trimmer. Leaves me with perfect 5 o'clock shadow that lasts

are the yellow gloves equivalent to a yellow hankey? in gaydom, would mean that person is "into" watersports.

this article is suggesting that every piece of software included with Mac OS is crapware. I disagree. If you think a particular piece of software is slow or buggy or crappy, fine... it may be – on YOUR computer. Hard to make a blanket statement when we don't know what system your running, your hardware specs or even

go to a theme park and witness the rotund masses.

gheez, that artwork is sub-par. looks hastily drawn.

@artiofab: it would be Ani (short for Anakin), not "Annie"

or also, "Who wants a body massage?"

Seconded. I'm really not a fan of the latest incarnation of the Doctor, Matt Smith. Dunno if it's his face or his speech that I object to. Alls I know is I likes Christopher and DTennant much better.

the faux-cork on TwoBuckChuck bottles have borked 2 of my Rabbit bottle openers, so maybe something of this calibre IS necessary.

Two Buck Chuck's synthetic cork does a number on my Rabbit corkscrew for some reason. Guess it's the density or firmness??

what in holy hell is that??!

what in holy hell is that??!

what in holy hell is that???!

Simply stunning and evocative. Exactly what short form film content should do. @Mark 2000: go back to Russia if you don't like it.