
Pretty sure your personality is housed in your brain. So he would be himself.

All of this. Honestly this is so horrifying, in spite of the discretion of the patient I think an international agency needs to ask the surgeon to cease and desist and prevent it from happening.

Am I missing something?

Specific ethical objections:

Its not really about energy output as much as its about energy storage. Photovoltaic cells (a traditional “solar panel”) generates electricity that either has to be used instantly, or stored in a battery. Solar thermal projects, like Ivanpah, generate huge amounts of heat, which in turn can generate electricity (via

Is this really the attitude Americans have when they hear of another country dealing with a horrific situation?

I’m from Canada. You know what I got from my cell phone provider a few years back when California was dealing with their fires? A short code text message telling me I could reply and add a donation to my cell phone bill to help victims. I got the same thing when Katrina happened. I got the same thing when the floods

80,000 people evacuated and the fire is growing at a rapid rate. That’s a lot of homes and lives destroyed. I really hope they find a way to settle it down soon. Is there any international support they’re getting to fight the fires?

My wife is expecting our first, due tomorrow (!!!), and is sitting on the couch next to me as I write this. Things are happening “down there” and we’re sort of shocked that the baby might actually arrive on his due date. I like to think that us seeing Captain America: Civil War this afternoon might have gotten the

I’m 9 weeks pregnant with my first (after an IUI and a year and a half of trying) and although it’s super early I’m already anxious about the whole “giving birth” part. These stories, some of which are a bit harrowing, have made me feel a bit calmer!

If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.

Maybe Cassini left behind “Chicago Mobs of the 1920's” and the rings have adopted a gangster culture?

The police don’t have scuba equipment on-hand to stage a fucking night-time rescue at night in 15 feet of water in the dark with zero visibilty. It’s Florida, there’s alligators everywhere, and the headline of this story and the police demonization is mis-guided and ignorant.

why don’t you steal cars and run from police

Because no one has overcome a life of crime? Nah, fuck the idea that their lives were worthless. Even the shittiest person has some value and dignity asjust being a person.

They might have taken off their seatbelts to you know. Try and escape the car?

Deserve doesn't mean we care any less either. Like I said to the other guy, judging them because they were criminals is wrong especially because they were so young. We don't know what kind of life hey had to have made them go to a life of crime.

Of course you can't blame the officers. If they hadn't ran they wouldn't have went into the pond. But at the same time like I said, a lot of people on here seem to be fine with the fact that 3 kids just drowned. Mistake or not, bad behavior or not that's wrong.

I guess it’s only a matter of time before an actual one in a million case comes up...

This fails to account for how often survival instincts are stupid things that lead us towards making the wrong choice in a given scenario. ‘Stay in the shelter, it’s dangerous outside’ is a survival instinct. It just happened to the be the wrong one in this situation, but the guy couldn’t get past that until