
Although I guess I do agree with this as even in the mid-twenties when I lose a lot of weight this particular Angelina-esque vein in my forehead becomes more prominant.

Jeez ppl. Teri Hatcher really doesn't look that bad.

This is why I prefer Women's Health Magazine. The models all look like genuine athletes and are all shapes and sizes (as in a size range 2-10 probably) but hey it's an improvement.

Well he does have beautiful, beautiful hair.

I am so tired of all this haterade towards our fellow womenz. Boston is notorious for this. Ever go to a bar there? If you are even remotely attractive it's ice grill's all around.


I can just picture her stylist talking her into wearing those pants and Rhianna being all (in her Caribbean accent) "hmmm, I don't tink so."

OH OH! I forgot to mention my second degree connection to Sarah, the plus-sized girl (Even though I'm sure no one really cares, as she is treated as an afterthought on the show thus far.)

Wait....which one went to Yale? The blonde one who said she's shy but she's not insecure??

@BiscuitDoughJones: I actually did lose it during a borderline Ana phase in college. Everyone was really really sad that I lost my trademark ass. I didn't realize everyone was so attached to it.

Ugh. Sorry with the incessant height/weight commentary. Must. Stop.

@BiscuitDoughJones: I'm 5'10" with medium build and 145 el bees. Not really skeletel. Trust. I've got a booty.

sorry but I abhor this and any reality cop show. I think they're exploitative and sad.

I KNEW this would be highly commented on.

You know he just married her so whenever him and his drinking buddies are watching Wedding Crashers he can jump up and say "I married......[waiting for shot] THOSE!"

DAMN that's a thorough waxing.

The frame thing is important. I'm very tall and have medium-frame so even at 135 I can appear underweight.

@lolly71: Tis True. I am also 5'10" and I swear my weight fluctuates 3-4 lb's in any given day.

Lo is O.K. in my book. She seems like a clandestine mean girl.