thank you kindly for the answer!
thank you kindly for the answer!
thank you kindly for the answer!
thank you kindly for the answer!
kinda sorta on-topic: did anyone catch in the SW:TFA docu in early days people kept calling the villian Kilo Ren (kee-lo instead of cai-lo)?
I’ve known about the pronunciation of Adidas for a very long time since I travel to Europe frequently. Tried to get people I know accustomed to saying it correctly without sounding like a twat, but they won’t. Americans believe they are saying it the right way.
Why do all recommended routers have multiple, ugly antennae? I mean, Apple’s units don’t have them visible and work very well. Why do these other brands always seem to have them??
Why do all recommended routers have multiple, ugly antennae? I mean, Apple’s units don’t have them visible and work…
my thoughts exactly!
(In the top image) It looks like he has keloids on his feet instead of traction
just updated from Win 7 to 10 and would really like to start using Rainmeter. think I shall try this!
his accent drives me bonkers
I have quite happy with Avast - a product/service Lifehacker recommended on more than one occasion. There were some irks, but there was also a Lifehacker article on how to change options to make Avast less irksome... which I also did. Now, have no issues whatsoever.
Tried doing this with simple but their paper checks can take upwards of 7 to 9 days to get in the hands of my landlord, post due date. So had to go back to my regular bank and continue to write checks, usually a day or two after rent is due as my pay schedule can be erratic month-to-month.
those men’s underwear look like bloomers - or Bridget Jones’ granny panties!
those men’s underwear look like bloomers - or Bridget Jones’ granny panties!
“It’s not quite breakfast, it’s not quite lunch, but it comes with a slice of canteloupe at the end. You don’t get completely what you would at breakfast, but you get a good meal.” – Jacques
I agree... Batwing was wholly crammed in there unnecessarily.
absolutely not paid. non-pro person here. not affiliated with Gawker, CBS/Star Trek, Cryptic Studios (dev of the game), Reelio, or any other entity with stake in the game... I’m just a gaymer.
it’s very, very good now. it’s matured. I’m a daily player. With a good fleet behind you, progression and rewards are easy. it’s the only game I’ve stuck with (3+ years)... and I’ve tried a lot of similar titles.
that probably means yet another new login when I already have so many Sony logins just to use the PS4
Just started playing SWTOR a few months ago. I was dismayed with the slow, F2P progression but don’t recall seeing that trailer in game when I first fired it up. Wow. That was impressively done.
I make it a policy never to by the first generation of anything.
I just purchased a PS4 bundle when the price became too good to pass up ($240, almost 3 weeks before Black Friday). I will say this: I loathe the PS4 xbar UI/interface. It’s clunky and junky. The PS3’s UI is so much cleaner and easier to navigate. The PS4’s UI needs an overhaul.