
Hell, if my HUSBAND groped me like that in public we’d be having words. That’s inappropriate, dominating behavior no matter who’s doing it.

I was “that woman” who loudly called out that guy in the middle of our workplace for doing that exact same move, after I had told him in a low voice to get his hands off and away. Guess whose female coworkers shamed them for making a scene? I only wish he had gotten fired - which he did, for harrassing phone

I, and probably just about every woman I know, have all received a "hug" like that at some point, and I'll say once more for the folks in the back: That's not a hug, my dude.

because of his role within his church.

I want it to become the default reaction for women to pry away a man’s fingers and scream. I want it to be the safe default reaction because we know we will be believed and people will be aghast at the creep for creeping and not at the young woman for being “disruptive”. I am disgusted. He did this at a funeral. Of

Watching that clip lastnight made me ENRAGED. All women have been there. We've all experienced groping in a public place. We've all tried to ignore it because we didn't want to be "that woman" who called out the dude in front of everybody, ruining the vibe. We have all been there. He's a piece of shit. 

He is probably used to getting away with behaving like that because of his role within his church. People probably don’t DARE question his behavior. She is young and attractive, and much smaller than he is physically - he thought he had a right to put hands on her.

Come on, telling someone their name sounds like a menu item is NEVER acceptable; specifying “a Taco Bell menu item” is racist af whether you’re referring to someone who is latinx or not.

He was visibly digging in while she kept trying to pull away. He knew.

That’s the first thing my eye was drawn to. Like wtf that is not a hug how do you have your fingers in a vise grip right by her breast. What a fucking creepy creeperton! If he’s like that on a broadcast god only knows what else he is up to. *shudder*

“Just because I liked it doesn’t necessarily mean that I supported it.”

His response to this was noooooooooot a good look in any shape/way/form. I lurk around the bachelor reddit forums and issues with Leo have come up since the beginning of the season (women getting unsolicited dick pics from him/gross IG comment, problematic youtube videos) but like other commenters have said it was a

I want to take this as an opportunity to better myself and the treatment of women in my life.

I think they sent her their stories because they don’t have the platform she does.

his response to her was so icky it made my skin crawl.

Yes, this is a patently horrible thing to say. Yes it is probably both misogynistic and misandrist AT THE SAME TIME. And yet, I will boldly go forth with my hot take. Look at this man. If a man takes four times as long to get ready as you do... he’s going to be a complete and utter ass. 100% of the time. No exceptions.

She wasn’t the one who accused him. The screenshot and stories came out beforehand and were shared in forums on Facebook and Reddit. She published it on her IG stories, justly commenting that it wasn’t cool. Many more people wrote to her talking about similar behavior. And now he is accusing her of being a pedophile

Rep Diane Black, one of Trump’s most fervent supporters from the beginning, lost her bid for Governor of Tennessee lastnight!!! I am FILLED WITH GLEE. She was a pretty prominent politician and had a definite future in House leadership, but she abandoned her seat in order to make this run. And she fucking failed. And I

Re: Lena Dunham

Paul Rudd forever !!!!!!