
Police: “Freeze!”

I’d like to think “oh he did this because he’s stupid” but honestly I think he did this because 1: they’re fucking untouchable at this point and 2: his supporters don’t give a shit, they see nothing wrong with it. When Trump said that he could fucking shoot people and not lose any supporters, he meant it. Strap in,

Today I felt like I breathed fresh air for the first time in nine months. My heart is soaring. I’m gonna get so blackout drunk when these fuckers are finally all indicted, it will probably put me in the hospital.

Thanks for these photos. Let’s be a great society and shit on someone doing humanitarian work because she wore gloves in some pictures. What the hell, us?

Since wearing gloves while distributing food is apparently now racist, was Twitter equally quick to drag this racist?

YOU need to look at the pictures again, because you’re looking at the ones that have been cropped to remove the kids in the background who are eating food and drinking. As a matter of fact, the full version of the picture you are talking about (of her next to white kids at a different event) is in the first set of


Okay, let’s be clear that she certainly should have taken the gloves off when she started talking to people and posing for photos after handing out food, but did you guys really only pull the images of her wearing gloves while she was handing out food and while they were eating (which mean she’d probably JUST been

I know this is not SNS but since I’m in Europe I always miss those and I got really great news today that I want to share! I work in academia and recently I’ve really been wanting to get into research journalism, but it’s not so easy to break into the good publications (‘duh’ - Every Writer Ever). Well, last week I

“Tip your wattress.”

Now playing

I didn’t even watch the show but I know this scene by heart.

This right here is exactly why I loved him so much on that show. Nelsan played Lafayette with such love and care that it made the audience love and care about him too.

RIP, La La.

Wow, he was so young. I’ve never seen this show, but I just looked him up and one of the first news stories that came up from before today was an interview where Ellis criticized a former co-star for quitting because that actor didn’t want to play a gay character. That’s a stand up thing to do.

I am so sad to hear this. He stood out as being one of the strongest in the cast.

There were times where he was the only likable character on that show. How sad, he was so young.