
From my time doing Jury Duty (which I just remembered I have another session coming up at some point) a jury can be “deadlocked” with even just one juror disagreeing. You’re probably skeptical that they couldn’t all find him guilty, but it only takes one to blow the whole thing.

My new approach when encountering rape apoligists or victim blamers IRL is to say “NOPE” really loudly and walk away. So far it’s been 100% effective.

“Our client is Bill Cosby. You know him as the loving, caring father from The Cosby Show. There is no way ‘America’s Dad’ could ever do this.” And here we are.

It’s clear that the defense only called one witness because their client is Bill Cosby. That such a fucking despicable strategy could actually work makes me sick to my stomach.

but why didn’t these women come forward earlierrrrrrrr

I think many Jez commenters had the same experience, but I received more vitriolic responses when commenting on Cosby than on anything before or since. I can very easily see one of these steadfast Cosby defenders deadlocking a jury.

It says something about us as a people that we seem to be holding a bubblegum pop artist to a higher standard of behavior and sensitivity that we do the president.

She’s trying to do exactly what Miley did. You can tell by the hair.

“You’re ‘bout as cute as / An old coupon expired”

“They want you to stand for something, but once you do, and if you don’t do it perfectly, they’re ready to take you right down.”

The race to be “woke” can be owed to the fact that everybody is trying to sell something, whether it’s their best selves to a social group or albums to impressionable people. When going for wistful costumes, hints at lesbianism didn’t work for Perry/Cyrus/et al they went for the socially aware, edgy look, and now

If Katy Perry had the same level of “talent” that she currently possesses but weren’t hot, none of us would know her name.

True story, a friend of mine was hit on by Kevin Spacey in the late 90's. When he told us this, we, a group of hetereosexual males, yelled at him that he should have slept with him out of respect.

My thoughts exactly. Then again, this is Beyoncé, só for all we know she might have assembled a fully functioning OR in a spare bedroom.

Mayer is the kind of guy I would have pursued in my 20s but Groban is the kind of guy I like in my 40s. He has a good job. He’s creative. He’s very funny and smart. He seems humble. Sure he may not be as hot as Zac Efron but he’s cute. I’d stay with him even if he insisted on singing “You raise me up!” every time he

Katy is sooooo fucking thirsty.

All Taylor has to do is keep on keeping her mouth shut, and Katy will continue to shoot herself in the foot.

“Whoa. Katy Perry and Taylor Swift made up? Guys, I have to rethink a few things....”