
Her voice isn't terrible... on another note his is sexy as hell. Unf.

Whoopi's face is priceless though. SOMEONE LOOKS HAPPY.

Yes I just desperately want to see a close up.

From the news sources and articles I've read, I've never heard anything remotely good coming from the Daily Mail so I just choose not to read something that I know will probably piss me off. But yeah, she's pretty terrible.

When I read about everything that happened when I was at work I had tears in my eyes. Days like these make me proud to be a woman.

Yeah exactly, and people tend to think that her responding to it would just stir up more drama, but she already started it anyway right? Even when I get angry, although sometimes I slip, I try to think about what I'm going to say and how it is going to affect someone before doing so. Granted she is in the spotlight

Exactly, I mean there is no real way "out" of a situation like that when you're a famous person in the public eye. I don't think she wasn't worried about sister, she just didn't think about the consequences of her actions beforehand even though she wanted to protect her. I just think about me and my sister and how

In the end, it wouldn't bother me as much that she did it if she didn't try to pretend that her twitter went a little nutso on it's own. Sometimes people act out and do things because they are upset and don't think it through. We all have done it, just own up to it.

When I read that in the article I wanted to throw something at the computer. I've never read Liz Jones' work before but I couldn't believe I had just read that.

Agreed, especially when she stated that she was already worried about her younger sister and how the divorce would affect her.

Yup, I hate that fake, nervous, quivering voice people use when they know they fucked up and have to pretend that they actually care now.

Everyone in Chicago is extremely hungover this morning haha.

A fucking men.

Ew. This article is really gross and the title is completely misleading.

You're right, you didn't. The way that Serena worded her opinion on the Steubenville rape case was done terribly, and if another young lady read that and was raped most likely would be convinced that it is her fault for getting drunk and raped which is never the case. She is in the public eye and needs to be careful

A sixteen year old getting black-out drunk is not right, but there is NEVER an excuse when it comes to rape.

This made me almost spill my drink at work. Too fucking good haha thank you! Plus I love this episode.

This reminds me of the time my friend put ecstasy up his ass.

I've always loved my pale, freckled skin. My mom always told me it was beautiful and even if people judged me or called me 'see-through legs' I never minded. Melanoma runs in my Irish family so I always take care of my skin.