I’m always a little taken aback by how viciously Scientology defends itself. It’s not full of love in any way. They love to attack attack attack! It’s pathetic. If they just stopped their bullshit people would have left them alone.
I’m always a little taken aback by how viciously Scientology defends itself. It’s not full of love in any way. They love to attack attack attack! It’s pathetic. If they just stopped their bullshit people would have left them alone.
I hate that anyone liked your post.
The quality & tackiness of this work offends me on a molecular level.
Yea but they didn’t hypercolorize the shit out of their photos. I just flat out hate the “photograher’s” work. No seriously, Jo, go to school for photography. You are shit.
So, she thought she would boost up her “I’m mourning my daughter” with some creepy-as-hell photos? To be honest, all these photoshopping dead anyones into anythings is fucking weird. Jo, stick to taking istock photos these images are terrible, and not just because of the murdered girl.
Ugh. The ads! I’d almost like to say, hey we will make you a new ad! Hideous!
Oh, the best was when a last minute ad would come in after the deadline and after everything was mapped and then... guess what? Someone had to chop up a story. Hideous. And the magazine was pretty reliant on photos (because of the subject it covered)... so usually a gorgeous photo would be cut. Sigh. I miss that place…
Totally! The book was always cut up by these terrible tiny ads that had to fit somewhere. I mean it would be like one full page, then 3 pages in the back of the book that were single columns. It was a mess.
Bull fucking shit. Does he pepper spray every truck that goes by too? What a complete lie.
I worked at a niche magazine that I absolutely loved for ten years. It was one of the only things in my life that I actually subscribed to before I worked there. Anytime there was a “self-help” or “how to” column we were told to interview advertisers only. Any product page (think our favorite red whatevers this…
There is no universe in the multiverse where anyone like Renee Z’s new face would not be with Colin Firth, the most wonderful man alive.
Meh. I sort of don’t like it when I can smell the person next to me. I like how I smell and how someone I’m into smells... but random people, even if your perfume is one of the few ones I think is lovely, I feel like if I can smell if anywhere over two feet from you then it’s too much. That said, I’m a regular old…
Then you go to court and show a significant chance in your circumstances.
Not a terrible person. Knock it off.
Disagree. The writer made choices, hence where he is.
Sorry, agree with him. You do what you have to do once you have kids. Everyone has dreams. Boo hoo.
Jesus Christ what is the word count on this? Also, I’ve worked as a freelance writer and I also was a ticket taker, worked retail, babysat and did other things to make a living wage. It sucked and I resented it and I didn’t understand why I couldn’t make ends meet just writing. Some people can, others can’t. But dude,…
Yea it’s on Netflix. It’s called Dolphin - Spy in the Pod
One did in this doc: