Right, Fergusson was unique, just like each murder of an unarmed black man is itself just a rogue case. If you are stupid enough to believe this, than you're beyond help.
Right, Fergusson was unique, just like each murder of an unarmed black man is itself just a rogue case. If you are stupid enough to believe this, than you're beyond help.
Yes, in town's like Baltimore and Fergusson, our prayers DEFINITELY need to be with those poor, innocent cops, not with the communities they have been terrorizing for decades.
LOL, yeah, not like the DOJ report on Ferguson didn't SOUNDLY prove the Wire's premise and THEN some.
Baby steps
Unless Subway is the only available place within 30 miles to eat, there is literally no reason any human should be willingly eating subway. Everything this author says is accurate.
An it's about the easiest thing in the world to do.
Well.....keep in mind they took 1,000 pictures and this was the cutest...no different than your facebook page... :)
did you like the first one?
Paul Blart is NOT a terrible movie, period. Every single person here droning on about how terrible is doesn't understand what a terrible movie is.
I consider myself who knows good movies, from the classics on, and I can't figure out the hate for Paul Blart on this site. I think it may have to do with the age group. If I were in my teens or twenties and single, I guess I wouldn't have liked it (still doesn't explain the HATE though). However, I took my 10 year…
I like how she says she's "in the news". LOL, yeah doing a job Sarah Fucking Palin was qualified for.
Unless you're a cop apparently.
Wells since clearly none of what I said about you is true, that surely must be the case.
"it terrifies me that someone like you could be on the road, unrepentant, and kill me"
LOL, didn't take a whole lot of "reading into". Some stranger tells me to fuck off twice in a single comment just because I said I made the mistake of drinking and driving once in 15 years? That guy is angry about something else.
I never drink and drive, ever. I did that one night, foolishly. Like I said, unlike you I am capable of making a mistake.
You mean because I was drunk and drove 1/2 mile down the street to get a sandwich? Yeah, that was really stupid, no clue what made me do that on that night. We can't all be perfect like you apparently.
Well, let's also remember that Rand Paul is NO FRIEND to Fox News, ie, the Republican Establishment. They want him taken down more than democrats do.
In my town they do all the time.
LOL, swear on my children, true down to the last detail.