
Dude, who said anything about forgetting about history. In your example, all I'm saying is it probably wouldn't be a good idea for Jews to be running around calling themselves "Kike". And they don't.

LOL, well thankfully gays don't address each other as "s'up you aids riddled abomination" as a sign of affection, or I just might have to...

Oh, I am very interested in listening to others, even those who disagree with me, that's why I continue to respond to you. But I don't need others "agreeing" with me on some internet comment board to feel my positions are validated. Christ, there is nothing easier than going along with the mob on places like Gawker.

I never said ANY music was a problem. I brought up pop music, among other things, as an example of the liberal use of the n-word in every day life. I didn't blame "rap music" for wjhy racism still exists like you ridiculously asserted I did. You were reaching then, and you continue to do so.

I think you've got that covered quite nicely

I won't lie. My first response was to disregard this comment. I followed my instinct.

Once again, I NEVER have mentioned rap music as the cause of anything. I have continuously stated that racism is still a massive problem. You saying or implying I stated otherwise just proves what I've already said, that you're not really reading my words, and are just looking to spout your predisposed opinions about

They are beyond terrible. I love all kinds of comedy, all kinds of comedians. I can find humor in anything, except Adam Sandler. Opera Man and the Chanukah Song are the only funny things that ever came out of his mouth. The rest is so terrible that it's not even funny in a "this is so bad it's funny" kind of way.

But don't you see, that word DOES represent the past - a disgusting, vile past that included Slavery and Jim Crow laws and so on. While we still have a LONG way to go. things are certainly far better than those days. And that's WHY that word hasn't been socially acceptable for decades. And that's why people like me

My comment made it very clear I understand the "context" at which the word is used - not exactly rocket science. That being said, said "context" doesn't change my opinion that it's had an overall negative effect on the struggle for racial harmony.....LOL, the "consequences" of Gawker commenters disagreeing be damned.

No, you didn't, that much is obvious. If you don't want to engage, that's cool. But don't put words in my mouth that I came no where near saying and then walk away. That's pretty lame.

"Yeah, just for clarity, the point of my post was a response to the frankly comical implication of yours that absent rap lyrics black people would be oblivious to the racism of the past and present that affects their daily lives."

I agree with everything you said, just check out my posting history. But language matters too, it's part of the problem/solution. I'm sure you would agree that a white person using the n-word to describe a black person being completely unacceptable today is a good thing, right? Same goes with calling gays "fags".

Understanding history is one thing....constantly reminding your average black youth that he's a "nigga" 1,000 times a day is quite the other. It seems it could, in the end, reinforce a negative. Just my opinion. We're on the same side you know, even if you feel my views are misguided.

Appreciate that. I hate that it was taken the wrong was reflexively by many.

OK wait, I appreciate what you are saying, and agree to an extent that my opinions are irrelevant. But that's all I was doing, offering my opinion. I wasn't telling anyone what to do or how to behave. I was offering my opinion about the effect of the liberal use of the n-word has on society and racial tensions.

Your point would have been much better received if the first sentence wasn't an absurd mischaracterization of anything I said.

I just explained why I think it's an issue. You may not agree, but that's how I sincerely feel. To me the word represents centuries of evil perpetrated against African Americans. I hate hearing it from anyone. Like I said, I totally appreciate and even applaud that blacks co-opted the word and turned it on it's head

Can you tell me what people like being talked down to? Do white rednecks like it when the "elites" on the coast talk down about what stupid shit-kickers they are who need to get an education and move out of the trailer park?

Please explain how I was wrong on "ironic", and anything else you disagreed with. Believe me, I'm open to having my mind changed if my thought process is wrong.