Moleculo, the Molecular Man

Maybe the author of this article should be a little less judgemental, and let people enjoy things. Also, what’s with shitting on the Big N just for going along with a joke? What a poor article.

r/Kappa is a shit-posting subreddit stuck in the past of FGC, who hate on anything they don’t deem “traditional” (e.g. Smash Bros). I wouldn’t trust them as a neutral source on any matter related to the FGC.

“I want a cheaper PSN with no games!”

“My opinion matters more than others.”

Can we get clarification from someone at Nintendo about the “free for a month” game? I’m assuming it means the game is rescinded during the month, but can we get confirmation? The wording is ambiguous.

Can we get confirmation from Nintendo about the monthly download only being available for a month?