
It took me so long to get myself to play it. I still like Gen 2 and remakes the most!

It takes a while. And to FlyingAvoc, I have like 220,000 views total. A little less than 100 videos. Not all of them are monetized. Mostly the newer videos (like the last 60 or so) and ones that are shaky cams at basketball games :P

If that's all I said, "tl;dr" then I deserve punishment, but I still provided an opinion (however off topic it seems). I also didn't mean I did not read any of it. I read some. And from what I read, I commented. Deal with it.

I wish I got paid in ACIII trailers...

My aunt and uncle live on the same street, about a half mile down.

Why would anyone be pissed off of a Dev for making a game they don't want? Get the fuck over it and don't buy it. Move on with your petty lives. This is not directed at you. And, I'm pretty sure most TES fans want this. I also disagree with both of your points, but neither of us have proof, so we'll have to wait and

I got the M50 headphones a few weeks ago and I love them. Best $160 I've ever spent.

This, and sorting, are definitely the coolest features. You don't have to scroll through a whole favorites menu just to shout FUS RO DAH or OD AH VIING.

Or, you could actually look at the game on the Xbox instead of generalizing graphics on a compressed Youtube video. There's an idea for ya!

I still don't have virus software on my MBP. I didn't get this virus because I use a tactic called "smart browsing." Don't click on dodgy links.

Get over it. Within a week of release, Skyrim had a Killable Children mod. So, if it's not already in the game, it will be, optional of course.

Woohoo, go NC!

It has a shitty base config though. The graphics card is good, but everything else is 2009, such as the processor and HDD. 320GB? You've got to be kidding me.

You just realized you live 28 minutes from Orlando, the happiest place on Earth?

You know, there are more elements on the periodic table than precious or common metals. Anyway, sorry to rain on your 007 parade, but they would call it Aurene, not Goldene. It sounds like a fucking Pokemon. Iron would be ferrene, copper cuprene, etc. Silver probably wouldn't be Argentene though.

Who cares about NYC? Only 8-11 million people live there.

Yeah, it breaks the site because the top story won't have a cover image since usually an ad is there. I still block ads though.

Yeah, the company that charged a fortune for horse armor will just hand out a free expansion pack. Your logic is impeccable!

You can only have one middle finger.

It's 100% late 90s Saturn. My dad has a gold hatchback, and the front bumper looks just like this from the side.