
I've only been to Manhattan once and I don't remember that many Starbucks. It's amazing how many stores there are that I couldn't afford to shop in. Then again, I'm 19 and in college, so there's time!

What other language would work on a Mac?

This looks like the bracket of an upset-obsessed idiot. UNC FTW.

Just what I expected!

Sweet! I got my SNES ready 5 feet away from my head.

Apparently, if you say "I'm sick." you can get in federal trouble. Really though, I think it's the context, not the actual words that warrant suspicion. This is stupid. I'm going to tweet every word.

I disagree with some of these points. Just to recap, I agree with 1, 3, 5, 8, and 9. Most of these are against what Pokemon originally was, through the first two generations (I think we can agree that these two are the best and truest to the World).

If you actually played the games, you would know that they often combine the exclusives of the original two and have some extra stuff added. It's also possible that this would be a 3DS title. I would enjoy waiting for the third game if I had a Nintendo handheld. I did have Yellow and Crystal, even though I had Blue

Who cares? Not sure why people are doing this other than to "fight the system."

"Hey, just a 24 hour heads up, I'm going to the library [to...get] some books."

Guy on the right is wearing skinny jeans.

It's called "Lost Archive," so they will repeat what they did with ACII and "fill in the blanks" with this DLC, in the form of memory sequences most likely.

Post Apocalyptic WWII? Sounds like Fallout to me.

Nice bullshit response Activision. You accidentally blacklisted them, didn't you?

Same! Woohoo! I'm happy.

I think 78 is a good rating, and it's right in between good and bad, because let's be honest, despite playing 5 great games in a row, he could go either way. I would say if he continues this, he could be like an 86, somewhere around Westbrook or even Deron Williams, or similar do-it-all point guards.

No update. Still 5.1

Your OS is either 64 or 32 bit. Check your system to see which one matches up.

I don't think Verizon would pay for a skit/ad that makes them look bad.