
Burnout Revenge was the better Burnout FYI.

I think it's relevant to people who missed out on deals and are hoping they can still buy it at a low price before Christmas.

This article is very reassuring to me. I missed out on a killer deal on the ONE TV I was looking at. It sold out within 15 hours. Reason I say one tv is because it is literally the only tv with the feature set I want (medium size, plasma, 1080p, active 3D). I am hoping when they restock after these sales and first

Will it sink? That is the question!

Well, it seems like if one doesn't have a disc drive or a hard drive and the other has both, then there is no reason for disc based developers to assume their consumers all have hard drives. Therefore, buyers of this higher up SKU should not fret. Just my thoughts.

Bad news: My Xbox broke today and I have to buy a new one along with a previously planned purchase of an HDTV. Good news: It's two days before Black Friday.

Ok, I will agree with that.

I was just getting used to how they showed subscriptions. Now they have people in here who I presume are my friends/subscribers and I don't want to see that crap...

I wanna kill that fucking bitch in Solitude. I started playing tag with him and then when I tagged him, punk ass bitch thought it'd be cool to insult me, so I started slitting his throat and the whole town went after me. Wished I could have killed him.

I'm sure a lot of people would argue he was. Some would say biggest asshole in Silicon Valley. I wouldn't doubt it either.

Great explanation. Nice try though Butters.

Zelda is kinda hot.

What a coincidence, I'm torrenting all their softwares now! MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.

My Lydia died. I accidentally caught her on fire too much. I thought she was invincible. Now I have to find a new companion...

That is impressive, and not in a good way. I've played 28 hours and I'm at ~20 and some (i.e. 20.75).

Lol, I don't use axes actually. Maces, swords, and destruction are my means of killing.

No, it's Swedish.

How? Shoulda bought it on Amazon, $.99 release day shipping. I got mine at about 11AM on 11/11/11, no lie.

I used to cuss starting in the sixth grade thanks to some coercion from my friends. As I got older, and thanks to my involvement in my Catholic church, I felt cussing was not what God wanted for me. As I have gotten older than that, this is no longer the reason I don't cuss, because I realize God probably doesn't care

Or, the British version of Assassin. Arsassin.