
I got Arkham Asylum not knowing how great it would be, and boy was I surprised. Haven't gotten Arkham City yet, but I can't wait!

Well fuck holiday 2011.

More like Skyrim BITCHES! Although, I have to say, Skyrim has not received much attention that it deserves. I think it may have to do with the little footage that Bethesda has shown. Everything I've seen so far is the same 20 minute rehash. I could literally tell you every single thing they've shown.

Texting is usually free mobile to mobile, and one would hope Verizon/Sprint/AT&T/etc. would be using their own network...

Shoutout to NC!

Econ 101: A firm will do anything to make newer products seem more attractive, enough that people will upgrade.


Solution: Don't buy from Best Buy. Buy from Amazon. Get fast shipping and tax free.

He should have started the video with "First!" Asshole.

I'm hoping for some Christopher Walken, Matthew McConaughey, or Cortana.

No pussy magnet yellow Lexus?

This is literally making me cry. I've never felt an opinion for cancer because I've never known anyone affected by it, but I feel so emotional about it now. May researchers find a cure for it. People like Jobs and all others affected do not deserve to die like this. Death is for experienced and tired people sleeping

I agree with both sentiments.

I actually liked this one more than Baldwin's. I may be a little biased though, I am not a Baldwin fan, but I'm not a hater either.

Porsche's not in the game.

Laser vs. AC130. EPIC RAP BATTLE OF HISTORYYYYYY. (yes I know it's not an AC130)

Here's my story. I've always been an avid FF user. I think Chrome looks ugly on my Macbook (OS X) and I've never liked the folder style tabs. It looks too real worldly, which is ironic because I like the new Lion apps such as Calendar, etc. For the past few months, I had been switching back and forth because I liked

Woot! Now I can brag about using Firefox again!

I feel that it works fine, but besides speed, it isn't as complete of a browser compared to FF and Chrome.

These are nothing compared to Zune...compared to iPod!