
I meant second/third and beyond. That would be a strange world if home base weren't included. In some countries, all bases are legal anyway.

Dumbest, most biased thing I've heard all month. You are insane.

Only second or third base is illegal!

I feel like this was a great move on Sony's part. Not only are they giving away great games, but one of them has a sequel (coming?) out, so that should help sales for inFamous 2.

Doesn't that make each pixel only 1.333" tall? That's blasphemy!

Sounds like someone didn't read the manual while on the toilet/ride home.

Was it the banned episode?

Don't forget it includes the Mac version guys. 3 platforms in one regular priced purchase.

Anyone here from Samoa?

You capitalized "Two and a half Cents" like as if it were a TV show...

Fair enough! :]

Middle guy looks like he's winning.

How eary?

Must. Have. Now.

How much do 3D printers cost these days? I'd imagine they aren't far behind all the other recent 3D gadgetry.

I think Assassin's Creed III would thrive in that time period, but not necessarily exclusive to America. There is tons of history occurring all over the world (mainly US and Europe) in the late 18th century, and I think a traveling assassin would be awesome!

Doesn't a parent have something better to do?

Hmm, this seems better than I though. I can tell Ubi knows Ezio is the better character, but I like that they are including Altair too.

Charter might have something that fast in my area, but I live in a small town and I don't really expect anything good/fast. I'm fine with that too. I live in the US too btw.

18 and I didn't. I've probably spent the last two years watching on average 30 mins of tv a day, most of it being NBA games. I guess that doesn't help, but I doubt I would have been watching Nickelodeon.