
@jackslackofselfrespect: I most certainly do believe the most perceivably thinnest material in existence is 2D. The idiot who thought paper was 2D was an idiot because there were thinner materials in existence. Please, just read an article about this and argue with it. It started with a joke and you shat all over it.

@jackslackofselfrespect: Yes, I do mean "actual" two dimensional because that's what I said. If you find something thinner than graphene, let me know.

@jackslackofselfrespect: Graphene is a flat monolayer of carbon atoms tightly packed into a two-dimensional (2D) honeycomb lattice, and is a basic building block for graphitic materials of all other dimensionalities.

The first one was pretty, the others not so much.

@DfizzleShizzle: Yeah, I think that at the American Revolution seem to be front runners, or at least some period in the 1700 or 1800s. I wouldn't mind seeing an epic game where Desmond uses ancestors throughout that whole time period in the tons of possible settings, especially with all the real world assassinations

@JDickson87: Yep. Network Settings - Advanced - Preferred conections

@Scorpio GTX1: Damn, I would hate to have a broken brake pedal in that Toyota.

@Mazarin: I would honestly get that in a heartbeat, then again, I would get almost any Veyron in a heartbeat.

@ThursdayNext: Isn't Sony usually particularly charitable when it comes to DLC, more so than Microsoft at least? I agree, it'll probably be free.

If Fine Art Were A Busted Video Game

@BlueGeek: Yes guys, I said that with the full realization that there are other problems that can arise from casual sex. I took the middle school sex ed classes, so I know my stuff.

@darkgroove: That's what I was thinking. All the more reason for people to have sex with strangers.

@DocSeuss: I'm asking for it for Christmas. I already bought two awesome games this year myself and I'm saving up for some sweet stuff next year. Hopefully I can bask in the assassination glory over Christmas break!

It sucks that I can't read this without spoiling it. If anyone can tell me some of the details from this article spoiler-free, please do. I'd just like to know where/when the next one could be.

@RabidTurtl: The main series would be a trilogy, brotherhood is simply a spin-off. However, I don't think Assassin's Creed will be limited to three games. With the immense profit the franchise has brought in, you can expect it to stick around for a while, in a good way though.