
@goldenroad: I haven't played it besides the demo, and it was pretty awesome. FIFA is regularly good too, I have the World Cup 2010 version.

@lwjoestar: That is actually hilarious how many categories it could fit. Racing game? Super Minecraft Karts!

@goldenroad: I almost 100% agree with this list. Some of them I have no opinion on; however, GOTY should be GoWIII, Reach, or RDR, and racing game should be Hot Pursuit, my opinion of course. You also missed a few such as Team sport = NBA 2k11, Ind. Sport = no clue.

Unfortunately, Call of Duty will win most of its nominations. You can thank your friendly neighborhood fanboys.

@m1ndtr1p: I never said I agree with it guys, tell them! Not me! I don't even fly unless it's out of the country. Anyway, I was talking about right to privacy, which people believe they have. I have no idea how you got right to fly from what I said...

@TampaShooters: No, I believe it's more about the rights that are being taken away when things like this are done.

@bakagaijin: I sit in an office chair when I play and she likes to sit in my lap. It gets really tiring when I want to split my legs (to rest them, it's not easy), but I can't because she'll fall.

Am I the only one who liked Mercs 2? Yes, I liked the first one better, but the second one was decent. I only encountered one bug (went under the map) and it was actually fun.

Mac Apps? I'm guessing Mac apps will be downloaded from iTunes whenever they come out.

@nerdydesi: Err, all I've seen are PC fanboy, a.k.a. Mac haters, comments.

Reading all the PC fanboy comments is so much fun!

can't you just use a proxy?

"Xbox playyyyyyyyyy, xbox pauseeeeeeeee, xbox stopppppppp, xbox twitterrrrrrr..."

@savocado: What the hell is 4chan? never heard of it.

Gizmodo, you should reconsider the title of this article. It reads "Kitten dies in it's own fire" and that isn't pleasant.

@lqdswrds: I see what you did there...

@Steve Farfan: yeah, and I'm not saying they don't cost $2 in some places, but I usually never see them leave a range of $1.49-0.99, especially at small stores.