
@clevemire: yeah, I can tell from the pixels and I've seen quite a few shops in my time.

@sorandkairi: I think his point is that he is part of the 93% but I could be wrong. If I have the money, I'll probably get it.

Michael Bay (explosions) or not, I'd be pissed.

Looks like a mix of Drake and Sinbad.

Why would you guys wear this? You realize the people who bid on this stuff have a glass trophy case waiting for it.

So, how many sinkholes have there been this year?

Is there an age limit on the yeast?

President Obama was in Mercenaries 2 DLC...with a gun!!!! But, of course, this was before he was president, as Palin was in it too.

@darkboy1200: he put his hand down when he reloaded, but I thought it was very rough. Not only was there a more appropriate animation but you could keep shooting while reloading...

@bloknayrb: Can you explain where in this article it mentioned a virus?

@Pessimippopotamus: It has a roof and an engine in there. I think it can be as tall as it damn well pleases.

@FeatherNET [ :D ]: 1. yes 2. right now it is very early in development, probably nothing to worry about until it is fully finished. 3. buy it now because price will go up as he goes beta, then full release 4. alpha cost me $12.97

I like the challenges because they keep you returning on a daily and weekly basis, on a small scale of course. I may not be chomping at the bit to complete each one, but I may look at them and say, I'll do these three.

orange is isn't doing this netablet any justice.

@avconsumer2: [HO-tah] based on my knowledge of romance languages.

It seems faster, and to be honest, that's all I care about.

@cr1f150: I tried "What the.." and it said, "What the hell is this guy on?" I think the better question is what are you on, Scribe?