
If your aim is to do a ghost run and you don’t care that much if you get an unintentional kill or three, I found the best way to make sure the clockworks don’t spot you is to have the hardened bolt upgrade, and just shoot their head off with a crossbow bolt.

Most of what I know about the chain of events came from Kotaku and some reddit posts, so yes, I don’t have all the information. I’d still like to believe that all this debacle stems from people mismanaging expectations and announcements, but that probably isn’t the case.

I’m a developer as well, but I don’t see how that has much of a bearing.

That’s also a possibility, but we have pretty limited information on the matter. The fact that some things didn’t make sense may as well be because they got overexcited at the fact that Valve agreed to its release, as if that was going to be all it took to get it out there.

Oh sure, the exposure tied to the Star Wars name is unquestionable. I though you were referring to actual profit :))

It’s not really profiting, seeing as though they were going to release it for free, so it’s essentially fan-fiction. It would be a pretty much unbeatable competitor to EA’s Battlefront, though, even if it wouldn’t reach its visual fidelity, because a) it’s free, b) it would probably be more in keeping with the

Godlike! And I like how absolutely deadpan he is, apart from the puckered lips.

You get a star just because:

Hindsight is always 20-20, though. Granted, they got a pretty hefty dose of Sunk Cost Fallacy-ing up in their grill, but sometimes it’s not that simple, and those decisions were a part of a larger context (licensed engines back then not being where they are now and stuff like that).


Shhh, he/she needs their daily dose of salt, it’s ok.

Wolf Among Us is pretty close in that regard. I for one really enjoyed the characters and atmosphere of it :)

Nice, thanks for this :D

I can understand both points of view (though not the difference in ferocity with which they’re delivered, lol), but I don’t think you have much to worry about for the time being, for one relatively simple reason: install base. Even with people gobbling up the Scorpio like hotcakes, it’s pretty unlikely it’ll have the

Is it just me or was this trailer pretty... weak? The voice acting was just so plain bad, the sound mixing was really off in points, the character intros were weird... Maybe the gameplay will be fun, but this trailer is just all around meh.

I had the same issue when I was installing something on the same drive as the one Overwatch was installed on, and because it took aaaages to load, I finally got into the game and was booted for inactivity. I agree with automatic kicks, but the 10-15 second limit used now is a bit wtf?

But learning how melee and energy attacks work against shields is haaaard.

Reinhardt and Bastion tunnel visioning? Get outta here! :))

Why are you so angry, bro? Gender swapping has been a thing in actual game, movie or comic book universes as well, and it’s always quite interesting to see it happen. Even if you don’t think that’s the case, telling them to get fucked for cosplaying however the hell they feel like is just asinine.

Meanwhile, I’m just sitting here, with my Mercy 4-player rez on the capture point that ensured we won, and no Play of the Game for me :’(