
Because from either direction you’re dealing with individuals who aren’t all the same. Contrary to what women seem to believe all men don’t know each other and share tips on “harassment” though most women know the law always favors the female party. Listen to advice and don’t fly into a rage because it implies that

When I was a kid being uninterested was called being “stuck up”. The implication was the persons not wanting to be bothered were too arrogant and had too high an opinion of themselves.

He wasn’t trying to be nice though he may have convinced himself he was.

So their viewers are geniuses?

Maybe when they’re there as long as Lauer was they’ll get more.

Another reason to respect Cher.

This shows the flaw in vast centralized power systems, where a small glitch can bring down otherwise intact huge areas, rather than smaller and even individual systems.

Such things would be far less common if divorce weren’t welfare for women at men’s expense.

Don’t take them home on the first date. Come up with an excuse to get a room (“the painters have the place in a mess”) but, actually, never fuck a drunk.

There must be more going on here than meets the eye. Women are seldom punished and then seldom harshly, so it’s likely due to the legal system’s internal machinations carrying her along for its own purposes.

Still, she could be the first female president.

Thank goodness people everywhere are beginning to realize the value of keeping languages, dialects, and other localisms alive despite the crushing inertia of global scale communications.

Maybe they find PC rules as peculiar and confusing as we find their title rules. Everybody that violates some 20 year old custom from another country isn’t offering a deliberate insult.

I’d say “it” or “the baby”. “It” should suit abortion oriented people.

Well, I’ll regain a smidgen of respect for Democrats if they quit being pussywhipped in public and rapists in secret.

Such propaganda is completely legitimate till a war ends.


Maybe we’re a lot tougher than they were, or else the price of wine has dropped.

That’s due to a cross connection, where potable and wastewater pipes are connected. This is nearly always due to plumbers’ errors, though I suppose somebody with plumbing knowledge could do it on purpose. It’s unlikely to happen through circumstances such as an earth tremor or leaking pipes but that’s remotely

“....meglomaniacs hellbent on dismantling social safety nets so they can get tax breaks on their private jets.”