
If it gets real bad you’ve got computers and xeroxen with which to produce pamphlets and leaflets like we did before computers. In the US at least there’s more legal protection for these.

Cut him to pieces bit by bit like many abortionists do their victims.

This means either person can accuse the other of DV simply to have them disarmed of any way to defend self, family, home. Such things happen routinely in divorce cases as a part of the money/property grab.

Just call it a “Firebird” as in some traditions.

Piling it on, huh? This is destroying his critics’ credibility.

An excellent way to put people out of work and further threaten some endangered species.

I hope Moore wins because I want to see what happens. It’ll further reveal the contemptible character of so many Republicans — and I’m a Republican.

Exactly. I know of men who’d run rather than help a child. God knows what they’d be accused of. Women can rescue kids — we all know women never do anything wrong, especially not schoolteachers.

And be protected by strict laws against false accusations that are actually enforced.

Tell it to the sisterhood. Younger women will be complaining about it in a couple of years.

“Hey, youse guys...”

Can men (and women) report women who wear sexy clothes at the wrong time and place?

Casts doubt on the perceptiveness of countless art critics. Did they really examine and evaluate the painting so carefully over the years?

Woman gets crushingly brutal sentence for murder.

Re: many of the following statements.


Racist? I thought she was a witch. Could she be a racist witch?

MacArthur had people shot for war crimes. (A photo of the execution of General Homma exists somewhere online.) Actually shooting is better than anything else.

Don’t wimp out and grovel to her just because she’s female like Western authorities do. You’re just as dead if a female kills you and your friends and family are just as grieved as if a man does it.

I don’t care.