Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn out to be a physical disaster or we’ll hear no end of conspiracy theories.
Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn out to be a physical disaster or we’ll hear no end of conspiracy theories.
If it gets real bad you’ve got computers and xeroxen with which to produce pamphlets and leaflets like we did before computers. In the US at least there’s more legal protection for these.
Limestone could be a valuable vitamin in their metabolism.
Look, listen, and learn. Their signals will convey information about them that we need to know. We simply don’t know what other life forms are like. They might be bugs or spiders or big fluffy mammal-like things. They might fight vicious wars over access to limestone.
Kind of splinter shaped.
Let’s look and listen till we find out something.
Maybe this is how the aliens are trying to communicate.
But why would anyone put sugar in silver nitrate in the first place? Accident? Whim?
It’s a quilt or heavy sheet stretched over several electric fans that are mounted on on tracks and constantly moving.
It isn’t clear to me. Is the head alive on a different, useless body? Not that I’m at all against keeping someone alive, but is he any better off?
Is there anyone who wouldn’t want an elephant’s head in their livingroom?
Nevertheless, it’s not a real good idea. And maybe that’s the usual attitude, explaining why we never hear from them.
Indeed, the moas just happened to disappear as the Polynesian settlers spread through New Zealand. No Europeans involved back then so it has to have been a coincidence.
Cut him to pieces bit by bit like many abortionists do their victims.
This means either person can accuse the other of DV simply to have them disarmed of any way to defend self, family, home. Such things happen routinely in divorce cases as a part of the money/property grab.
Possibly an effort to create better relations with those countries while encouraging better wildlife management. Any other way to do either would be termed “RACIST”.
More surrounding land leaves important sites in less danger. Restricting access to people who can pay substantial fees brings on the inevitable complaints. Putting them in control of whatever Indian people traditionally lived there or controlled the land seems best, though it will inevitably cause problems.
Just call it a “Firebird” as in some traditions.
Piling it on, huh? This is destroying his critics’ credibility.
An excellent way to put people out of work and further threaten some endangered species.