
Highly unusual, but if he contributes to the kid’s support then he’s entitled to a relationship with her.

Men will get used to it just as they did legs in short skirts in the 1920s. They won’t lose interest except because of the effects of gravity but there won’t be the surprise effect so many women interpret as meaning extra sexual attraction.

I see. In 1940 no less.

Odd — illustrated by the absolutely greatest work of US art.

You all must have no grip on reality — or else you’re fighting to keep your privileged and exalted position because you think it’s actually threatened. It must be incredibly comforting to be able to get anything you want by bursting into tears, throwing an obscenity laced public tantrum, or dropping your top.

If your self-esteem is controlled by ads you have a serious problem.

I don’t remember any ads like that.

It’s impossible to know what comment which female will find or claim to find offensive and which will be okay or even pleasing.

I’m rather astonished not to find the usual and typical leftist obscenities peculiar accusations. Congratulations on displaying meaningful and thought out verbalizations; it’s as though some of you were adults.

Today’s — this year’s — all purpose accusation.

This is being reported more and more often. How do we know it’s all true and even so how do we know it wasn’t as much her doing as his? What evidence is there besides female complaints?

The rules of a relationship should be up to the participants, but violating them is a serious matter.

There is s resemblance in their cerebral development.

Probably means “...pregnant[,] with [and have] a....”

Some people can only attract those who bring them down. They’re the only people who’ll put up with them, so they keep repeating the situation wherever they are.

It isn’t demeaning and condescending to worry about female journalists’ safety?

Groupies hardly have any business complaining about “the (inexcusable) predatory behavior of men”.

The thing to do in that situation is to get out of the way and help anyone else to who needs it. If you’re not a cop, especially in uniform, you’re likely to be mistaken for one of the Bad Guys. You’ll probably be in the way otherwise, anyhow.

The idea that men “oppress” women and try to force them into constructed roles is also a social construct.

So you’re supposed to go around apologizing because you don’t know what sex people claim then asking them what pronoun to use? How much trouble will that avoid?