
Despite all the alleged tolerance, men who find male nudes interesting are sneered at and subjected to innuendoes about their sexuality by both male and female. Yet it could simply mean they appreciate good art or the human form. Men are still the victims of this prejudice.

So? Another person brainwashed into hating anything about men?

Odd comings and goings of socially controlled people’s tastes or what they think others (their “reference group”) currently approve/disapprove. I can understand accommodating other’s tastes for the occasion but not as an eternal everlasting rule of life that changes every couple of months or so.

I can assure all lawyers that there will still be plenty of lucrative cases. This doesn’t mean people aren’t aware it’s wrong to be aggressively responsive, but that public buildings have been exempted from extra expenses.

It means if your condition is serious and you’re neither rich nor important they’ll kill you like they did Charley.

Another tiresome leftist effort to keep racism alive and well toward nobody’s good and their own political ends. Quit pandering to racial extremists.

Unfortunately women are seldom really punished no matter what they’ve done.

Misogyny is fairly rare. The increase in porn is due to the increasing isolation of men in a society of rootless egotistical females for whom few if any men are “good” enough.

Besides being black he has here the problem of the judiciary’s using men’s children to extort as much money out of them as possible, then destroying their relationships entirely.

This is an effort to keep the smallest minorities from being further used by the left as political pawns.

Because of earlier feminists who wanted to be men and believed they had to do everything men allegedly do in order to be “free” like they imagine men are.

As long as the mothers are monitored and given classes in good behavior, they being the ones who cause trouble because the courts and social services pamper them.

He’s probably right. I voted for him.

One can hardly wait. I’m not the one, but I’m sure there’s someone who’s excited about it.

If it’s your ex you already have for the last time.

Those kids’ pictures should be all over the Internet along with words about how much I’d hate to find out someone had beaten the shit out of them.

Maybe teaching girls what happens when they get involved with “bad boys”?

Women have more social and legal power.

Also that women seldom get punished no matter what they do.

Women need to reevaluate how they treat men.