
Anyone who’d worry about it probably is a narcissist.

Don’t they have field tests for different drugs?

Assault, or did she pretend to be receptive to it? Some situations always need third party monitoring to prevent either assault or false charges and lawsuits.

Curses! Another of our schemes to oppress women is revealed....

Can it be resurrected?

Do they have a Jefferson Davis robot?

Yet another way we’re destroying the universe because of our intrinsic evil.

I don’t like or drink alcohol, but what about the dogs and cats? Dogs might be terrified of zero G. Both animals might have to wear diapers.

Not presidential in his tone? Harry Truman and George Washington were famous for their profanity. Probably Jackson was, too.

Historical markers, especially those about still ongoing issues, should be monitored by hidden cameras. The fact shouldn’t be made public.

It’s just a standardized accusation today without reference to the actual meaning.

So except maybe for scale of operations modern technology isn’t any more poisonous than that os earlier times.

Leftists believe that you can make things not have happened by denying or ignoring them. Magical thinking — “You’re not there ‘cause I got my eyes closed.”

We have to carefully watch this because it could be catching in dangerous elements of any population, leading to persecutions and ultimately failures in medical science.

Too many liberals here now and she’s female.

Usually, the smarter some is the more they get.

Maybe he’s just putting up with it to stay with her.

At least white people didn’t impose it on them. Or....did they....?

Perhaps the bleaching is due to wholly “natural” causes rather than evil white American men existing.

I haven’t read the book but I have read comments on it. I never wondered what race the book’s characters were.