Mojo Jojo

Not just AC. Look at Watching Dogs! What a marketing machine! Played it. Finished it. Put it down. Never picked it up again.

Pretty much all sequels from big studios suck hard these days... Rockstar though, still impresses most people. And probably, that'd be because their not in that situation shown in the image.

What? 343i's version of the whole Halo art design is far superior than Bungie's. Personaly, I don't understand why people like Bungie's artwork better than 343i's.

Whoa, all "those years" and you can't spell the name of the application right!? "PhotoShopping".

How many times this trend is going to be repeated? And I have to say (sorry), but SONY is being absolutely stupid by allowing a first party developer to launch such a half-baked game. The amount of negative press is astonishing! This was an opportunity to catch some momentum in the racing scene until the next Gran

This is VERY good news and I'll explain why.

Since the start of rumours about the so-called next-gen my appreciation for Kotaku declined to an all-time low. The hype-train was the biggest thing at that time. Console Wars was already waging strong, and the internet was on fire! This was not about the games. This was

You should look at the Eurogamer's review of this game. They had some mean things to say about Driveclube. 6/10, BTW.

3240BRL. Roughly 1295USD.
That's what I've spent with the console 2300BRL, plus Forza Motorsport 5 200BRL, plus Titanfall 150BRL, plus Forza Horizon 2 150BRL, plus the Microsoft's official Xbox One Stereo Headset 300BRL, plus the annual live subscription 90BRL, and a few arcade games for something around 50BRL.

Amazing how people are uneducated about the universe. Jesus F Christ.

Whoa! You call that clean and easy on the eyes!?
This is the most confusing"art-style" I've seen for a shooter in a long time.

Yeah. As a game that is supposed to be a "persistent world" (or whatever fuck they call it), Destiny is pretty limited. I can't see this game being supported for long. Not the Destiny 1.0 at least. So, expect a brand-new-Destiny 2.0-fuck-that-persistent-world-title in the future. Because there's no way a game with

Well, I played the beta and was bored shitless. Brought me back to my World Of Warcraft days: "go there, kills those creatures, bring me back something; go there, kills those creatures, bring me back something; go there, kills those...". I expected much more from this game and watching videos of people playing it was



Yeah but, the only reason I call it anti-Xbox is because he's basically doing shit like that all the time (towards Microsoft and/or Xbox). I don't own a PS4 but at least I'm not going after it on gaming communities.

There. You said almost everything I wanted to say about the headline. But you know... Luke Plunkett.

Personally, I don't like Frags too. Not long ago I was playing Attrition with friends and someone pointed out how hard was to get Titan kills using the Archer Rocket. Well, that seemed dumb to me and then I told them that the "double-Arc-Grenade-then-the-Archer-Rocket-up-the-Titan's-ass" was a real effective way to

Luke Plunkett, anti-Anything Microsoft, anti-Xbox warrior strikes again.

Wow, you're so bright!
Do you realize I spend 90USD or 200BRL everytime I need to buy a game and now I can play four, FOUR games por 5USD or 12BRL/month!? Are you seriously that bad with math!? So, AGAIN. Utter shit for you, and your high standards. For me, absolutely brillant.
So, go troll someone else. Your arguments

Yes son, I did. It is indeed your right to judge something not good enough for YOURSELF although it is completely stupid too call it "utter shit" considering it's a very, very, VERY nice deal for others. Not good enough for you? Ok. Utter shit? Complete nonsense.