its gone downhill since tyler left...
its gone downhill since tyler left...
Oh boo hoo, someone says things I don’t agree with! If you don’t have the balls to stand up for something you believe in, then you don’t really believe in it that much. You’re acting offended just to act offended. And if you don’t choose to stand up for yourself, ignore it and move on with your life. Pretty simple.
Please stick to car blogging. We all know which way Gawker staff leans and anything that even barely paints your Dear Leader in the wrong light will be disputed by you. Thanks.
Legitimate transfer payments between two countries (or two anything) aren’t done in the middle of night with pallets of cash on an airplane. They’re done using wire transfers.
I still think it’s shady that we gave $400m in untraceable cash to a regime that funds a lot of really really bad opposed to the somewhat-bad groups we’re funding.
I own a bunch of rental units. I include no clauses preventing tenants from working on cars. That said, if someone left an entirely dissembled vehicle visible enough to warrant complaints from the city or neighbors, I'd probably have to take some action. Never had an issue though.
Disappointed? Because they didn’t ruin his life over a victimless crime. Reminds me of every time I’m disappointed over the slap on the wrist almost every Police Officer gets when he commits a crime that otherwise would result in you or I spending serious time in a cage.
I found that weird too - not because I think Shmee’s annoying (he’s a twat), but because he seems to rotate his cars every few months.
So I take it you’re the dipshit that thinks an article about the Ford GT is the perfect place to bring up unrelated politics.
Great, Gawker is leaking into Jalopnik.
Sorry, wrong Top Gear.
Am I the only one who finds shmee incredibly annoying? Or maybe it's just the video content he produces? Either way, that's one GT I won't bother checking out.
Yesss!!! Finally!
Adios Motherfucker.
If I ever have kids, I’m not going to allow them to watch anything Disney. It’s Game of Thrones for them. Valar Morghulis, ya little monsters.
I don’t think anyone buying these behemoths are all that concerned about fuel economy.
Another beautiful car succumbed to douchebaggery. I know the tires are low profile, but holy shit, the rims seemed like they were made out of soft lead.
2 broken wheels as well.
That’s pretty clever! Sometimes the most simple innovations are the most useful.